They Needed a Place to Stay.

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"Not until council decides your fate." Anguirus spoke oddly deep sagely voice and glanced at Queen Caesar with a cheeky smile.

This was an inside joke between her and the other Kaiju Girls, though Queen Caesar pouted. "Fuck off."

Gojira paid that no mind to whatever inside joke was going on and kept his gaze on Megalon. "Consider this your punishment for not joining the winning side sooner."

"Heard that one before." Megalon said wryly. "Granted, this is slightly better than the first time."

"Agh, urk!" Everyone turned the awakening Orga. She opened her eyes and slowly took in the scene in front of her. She gulped thickly and muttered. "We lost."

"Indeed." Megalon nodded.

"Fucking traitor!" Orga roared in a mixture of her speech and her animalistic growls. She struggled against her bindings, but could barely make them budge. "How tough is this plant matter?"

"Almost as tough as Mothra's webs." Godzilla answered. "If I were you, I'd save my strength."

Orga tensed up, sweating bullets, and gulped again. "Whatever you do... all I ask is that save my head -"

"We're not gonna eat you, Idiota!" Rodan shouted. "Your stereotype is wrong."

"I see... so, it's not because you find inedible?" That question made everyone pause save for Megalon who knew her rather well. Perhaps too well. "I'm simply asking because -"

"Stop talking." Godzilla ordered her and she uneasily complied.

"What the hell?" Came the oddly staticky voice of Gigan, her eyes glowing red as she came too. "Did we win?"

Junior smugly answered her. "Nope. The opposite."

"Dammit!" Gigan shouted, her voice now mostly normal, then truly took in her surroundings and groaned. She had the nerve to face the Earth Defenders and ask, "Is the moth at least dead?"

"No." Godzilla informed her and narrowed her blazing eyes at her. "Be grateful for that."

Gigan rolled her eyes and sat back in a defeated manner. "Jeez."

"Three out of four." Anguirus turned to Godzilla. "Wanna tell them now?"

Godzilla shrugged. "Might as well."

Gigan shuffled uncomfortably. "You're not eating us right?"

""No!"" Every Earth Defender awake shouted.

"I'm just asking!" Gigan whined.

"Anyway," Godzilla began, "Considering you guys have been soundly beaten, you need to learn how our world works and what exactly you're gonna do..."

Gojira felt a niggling tingle at the back of his head and scratched. It went away momentarily, but came back just as quickly. He scratched again and the process repeated to his annoyance. He turned around to find sparkles in his face. A trail of it that lead into the jungle. 'Follow us, let's chat.'

Those voices. They sounded too familiar.

Gojira turned away only to feel the tingle with laughter in his mind this time. He grit his teeth and heeded the voices, hoping he wasn't going crazy again. Since he was on the edge of the group, not many noticed him slip away save for two of the Kaiju Girls who said nothing.

Inside the more shaded, darkened area of Infant Island, Gojira scanned the real for the source of the sparkles. There was nothing for a few minutes and he chalked up to possible hallucinations. He cursed to himself. "My mind isn't here I suppose. Fuck me."

Godzilla: Enter the Kaiju Girls!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن