Training Came the Next Day...

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A clone. They were making a clone of some sort from his DNA. That's what Megalon told them and apparently they were also making some killer machine too. To say Gojira went to sleep pissed off was an understatement. To say Gojira woke up pissed off was one hundred percent correct. Had he not been so tired and Mothra hadn't been around to annoy him, he might've gone and taken out his anger on Megalon considering she did play a crucial role in the development of their Gojira based weaponry. Once again, she had proven to be as lucky as she was dimwitted. How long that luck would last the alien would remain to be seen.

Gojira emerged from the ocean, two fresh orcas in hand. A nice hull as the whales had filled up on seals not too long ago. Been a long time since he had a pleasantly warm meal. It was suitable for now, but he'd definitely need to get himself a whale, preferably a blue one, at some point. It would be absolutely awesome if it was a blue whale. That was the last very good meal he ate before he died.

"Greetings." Came the stoic voice of Megalon. Gojira turned to her with a surprised expression, noticing that her hands didn't have the drills on them. "I see you've caught the local aquatic mammal life. Are they tasty?"

Gojira cautiously looked around, ignoring Megalon's second question. "Why are you not on the rock where you belong, bug?"

"Mothra and Godzilla reluctantly gave me permission after some debate." Megalon answered. She pointed at the orcas. "Can I have one?"

"Why the hell would they do that?" Gojira continued to ignore her questions to press on with his.

Megalon shrugged. "They're generous I suppose. So - "

"They're idiots!" Gojira shouted.

"It's not like I can go anywhere or do much." Megalon brought up her normal hands and turned around to display her wings. They were bound it by what were no doubt Mothra's silk. All that silk on her wings, she definitely wasn't flying anywhere. "Plus, I'm currently under observation apparently by unknown entities. And I'm smart enough to know the consequences of my disobedience. So, with all that explained," her gaze shifted to the food in Gojira's hand. "May I have one?"

Gojira narrowed his eyes. He took a single orca and held it up. Then he slipped it into his mouth to swallow it whole. He took the other and repeated the process.

Megalon trilled angrily and smacked her hands together. "You're almost as evil as Queen Ghidorah!"

Gojira smiled darkly. "I can do much worse if you insist on annoying me."

Meglon stomped on the ground and pointed at him. "What did I ever do to you for you to be so nasty to me!?"

"You tried to threaten and attack me." Gojira dully reminded her.

Megalon gawked for a moment then screamed indignantly, stomping on the ground some more. "Recently!?"

"That was last night!" Gojira screamed back.

"On some planet's that's nearly a fourth of year!" She argued back.

"What!?" Gojira stared at her for a second before rubbing his temples. He sighed and turned to walk away before he got too angry. "This conversation is pointless. Don't talk to me unless you have something useful to say."

"What would you deem useful?" Megalon asked, once again stoic.

Gojira huffed and replied in an aggravated tone. "Information about your soon to be dead queen and merry band of morons, what else!?"

"I see." Megalon placed her hand on her chin. "So you don't care about the humans."

Gojira immediately did a heel turn and gave Megalon a serious look. The little apes were some of the last things he wanted to think about, especially since he was literally reminded of them every time he looked in the reflection or at the Kaiju Girls. "I do actually. I care about what they do. You see them do anything?"

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