Then Came the Party.

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Gojira snarled and gave his neck a quick crack, Anguirus cracked her knuckles, and Orga licked her lips, preparing themselves for the night's challenge. Food and lots of it. The moment their portions were in front of them, Anguirus, Orga, and Gojira's eyes all seemed to simultaneously gleam.

Then Queen Caesar brought her hand down, yelling, "Dig in girls! And guy!"

They did so with gusto, chomping down and slurping up various large sea beasts as fast as they could, as much as they could, all surrounded by the various whoops, calls, cheers, and laughter of the other Kaiju Girls around them. It helped fuel the fire of their competitive eating, even Gojira was getting into it, wanting to show these anomalies what a real monster could do.

Orga honestly didn't care much for the competition, but an excuse to eat tons of biomass without judgement was an excuse and she was going to use it. And perhaps she found this activity somewhat enjoyable. It was another form of strength competition after all. But it wasn't about that.

Anguirus felt the same way as Gojira to a stronger degree. She may have lost to her best buddy, but she wanted to see what this particular Godzilla could do and if she could finally bring this guy down in something. "This is a mere Zukuska! Bol'she! Bol'she!" She started to cry in her other language, getting more into a competitive spirit as she shoveled more sea food into her mouth alongside Gojira.

"Oh, they're getting rowdy." Gigan giggles, nudging Megalon in her side.

Megalon nodded before cupping her hands around her mouth, "Come on, Dig Buddy, show those two who's alpha!"

More voices cheered around the fast feeding trio, such as Mecha's, doing her best to be heard over her still blaring music, "Come on, ma! Let's see some hustle! I bet on you!" Her optics briefly darted to Gigan.

"Come on, Anguirus! Come on, Gojira!" Junior cheered, pumping her little fist into the air as high as she could. "Especially you, Anguirus!"

Gojira and Anguirus ate harder while Orga started going on the decline. "Ugh... I think I've had enough." Orga grumbled, walking off as her limit was reached, which was understandable considering they made quite the dent in the mountain of food.

Though, Mecha wasn't so understanding, "Ma, your half metal, half pussy!" This earned her a giant octopus to the face, courtesy of said half and half being. She pulled at it as it clung to her face plate, yelling, "Ew!"

So now it was just Gojira and Anguirus, going at it neck and neck, morsel after morsel. For a brief moment, they locked eyes and saw the spark of a newfound rivalry. They had to out do each other in this for only one monster could be the ruler of consumption. Either Anguirus or Gojira, there couldn't be both. It was intense. They were eating so much, so fast, their movements were almost like blurs.

Queen Ghidorah, still watching from the darkness wondered, 'Is... is this the key to his power? Constant competition? Sea food? Competitive eating? Or is it...'

Suddenly, both Gojira and Anguirus held their stomachs, a pain coming over them that made their audience gasp. For a second or two, they were phased, but ultimately, they weren't too bothered and pressed on, despite gradually and noticeably reaching their limits. They were getting woozy and their stomachs were aching more and more.

Anguirus groaned and once she finished the last of her giant squid alongside Gojira, her head fell on the table and she uttered a defeated, "Blyat."

It wasn't over yet, not for the newcomer of the island. Gojira just needed one more bit of food to win. Such as a single, very large scallop. Gojira went for it. With a pained expression, he swallowed it. Then he stood up and said, "Let it be known... that I - urgh!" He had to cover his mouth with his hands as his food apparently didn't want to stay down.

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