Denied Once Again...

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Godzilla and Mothra were dragging Gojira back to her Grotto on the surface of the ocean. They'd privately watch over him for as long as they could. She didn't want the aliens to see Gojira like this, not like this. She was worried that they'd try to pull something with him out of the way. Gojira was a fool, a jackass, but he didn't deserve to die for his idiocy, not by a long shot.

"Minilla... Godzilla..." The comatose male was mumbling and his words were barely audible, "Protect... I... Ju..."

"What the fuck are you on about?" Godzilla muttered, more so for herself. Minilla, he kept saying. She wondered just who the hell that was and more importantly, what that had to do with her.

Mothra grit her teeth, thinking to herself, 'He really is your fool, isn't he?'


Godzilla cursed under breath and looked towards the horizon. So much for keeping this between her, Junior, and Mothra for as long as they could. Not surprising her area didn't take too long, Godzilla supposed.


Gojira stood in a land of grays. A gray landscape, an ancient gray city, and sky covered in thick gray clouds. The only thing different was the bright blue glow in the distance. He blinked before looking at his hands. The hands of a monster, a true monster. He was back in his real form again.

He walked onward towards the light. There was nothing save for him and the light. Nothing. He heard, smelled, and saw no other living thing. It was until after what felt like an hour of walking that he came upon another living being. Another monster.

A red and white saurian Daikaiju much bigger than him, more imposing. Three great black horns upon his head and his coloration gave him a skeletal appearance. On his torso was a horrifying second maw, his chest having glowing orbs surrounded by bone plates helping to give the appearance of a second and terrifying face. However, no motions or emotions were being displayed, he was watching Gojira impassively.

Gojira blinked.

He could feel it, a sudden change go through his body. When his eyes opened, rather than the form of a monster, he saw the mystery was now in the form of a Kaiju Boy like Gojira. His skin was dark brown and his short curly hair was white. He only had on a pair of red shorts. His bestial traits were his horns, white boney tail, red eyes, and occasional bone white scales on his arms and legs.

"Where am I?" Gojira asked, now able to speak.

"The land before everything else," The being answered with a casual shrug of his shoulders, "Before life, before Hell," He nodded towards the light behind him, "Before heaven. Elysium. Whatever you want to call it."

"Who... what are you?" Gojira asked. He saw something faint in the light in his peripheral vision, something all too familiar.

The Kaiju Boy shrugged. "I go by many names, King... just call me Bagan. The Guardian."

After Gojira heard his words, he saw it, he saw him. Flashes of Minilla. He was playing, he was happy. And he could feel it, he could feel his surrogate's spirit inside that gate of light. He could see him again. Just as Gojira was about to move forward, Bagan took a step forward. He was blocking him off. "Let me pass, guardian." He growled, his dorsal plates glowing bright white.

Between him and the gate to Elysium stood Bagan. There was only one thing between him and Minilla now. Gojira blasted a warning shot towards Bagan's chest and he merely shrugged it off.

The Guardian shook his head. "Turn around and head back to your waifus, Gojira. It ain't your time. If you keep this up, we will fight... and I'll send you back to Hell permanently."

Godzilla: Enter the Kaiju Girls!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora