Those Three Were Rather Nosy...

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Another morning and hopefully an uneventful day in the life of Gojira.

Buzzing. Gojira heard buzzing and not the kind one would hear from an insect. His eyes immediately opened and turned to see some human made gnat buzzing around him. He snorted and flicked it away. Unfortunately, the buzzing didn't cease as another one came in. He grunted and flicked that away too. Then came a third one.

"Annoying gnats!" Gojira barked and once again swat it away. "You humans are getting too damn comfy for your own good!" While Gojira spoke towards the humans, a tiny bit of that was directed towards his... other voyeurs. Subtly, Gojira turned his gaze towards the bushes, where all three of the group chose to hide in for some reason rather than at least spread apart. Then he muttered distastefully. "Least you idiots could do is spread out."

The bushes rustled and Gojira held back his need to roll his eyes at their lack of both camouflage and intelligence. He wondered if the trio back in his world were anything like that. If that was the case, Gojira felt as though he dodged a massive laser by not befriending them. Godzillasauruses were lone wolves anyhow.

At least they should be from Gojira's experience.

Gojira huffed and did his best to rest while the other monsters continued to watch him, hoping to see something that gave more information on him. So far, nothing major except what was equivalent to meditation. As far as Rodan, Anguirus, and Queen Caesar saw today, Gojira always seemed to do his best to avoid drifting into sleep.

Queen Caesar narrowed her eyes, trying to find a sign of any more abnormalities on him. "He's still... just laying there."

"He really is like Godzilla, at least when she ain't going all training crazy." Anguirus muttered, wondering if certain traits were natural for her friend's species.

"It's nerve racking right?" Rodan whispered in frustration, searching for any reason to confront and pry answers from the male Daikaiju. "Something's gotta slip up eventually."

Queen Caesar hummed. "One would think..."

Suddenly, Gojira let out an explosive sigh and started grumbling. A few words could be heard from him as he started walking away. "Annoying... loathsome... need to eat..."

Queen Caesar snorted and turned to her comrades. "Alright ladies, like we practiced."

Rodan and Anguirus looked at each other with bemused expressions then back to Queen Caesar, the former asking, "We practiced?"

Reluctantly, the furry Kaiju Girl answered. "Kinda, I mean, if you count the first attempt."

""We don't."" They replied with deadpan expressions.

Queen Caesar clicked her tongue and pouted, "Oh, whatever, let's go."

So the trio "sneakily" followed the lone Kaiju Boy, staying to the foliage and at a "safe" distance from his acute senses. Said Kaiju boy on the other hand still held back his urge of violence for now and focused on heading towards the ocean. Hopefully they'd cut their losses there and if not, then at that point he'd say something if he felt like it.

'They're following you because they can sense it... you're as shit a liar as you are a Kaiju...'

"Shut up." Gojira hissed to what amounted to himself. Finding something to eat should also take his mind off... that voice. He glanced behind him as he neared the beach and noticed the trio still sticking to the foliage and clumped together. He grit his fangs and sped up just a little bit enough for it not to be too noticeable by the tagalongs. Once near the coast, he looked in the aliens' direction, making sure they were all present and accounted for, including their fixed mecha unit. They were all there and talking amongst themselves, Queen Ghidorah being the only one to pause to briefly glare at Gojira before snapping back to her lackeys. Gojira only rolled his eyes and moved on towards the ocean.

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