She Arrived...

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AN: Heyo, another chapter. I know, the second season's been slow, but hey, I have a real life. Not apologizing for that, but I will apologize to those eager for more chapters, lol.

Important Fact. Yes fact:

Stupid Godzilla Fan cry: "NO, GODZILLA IS IMMORTAL KING, YOU CAN'T LIKE STUPID MONKE, HE WEAK!" VS Chad Godzilla Enjoyer Says: "I like Nuke Lizard. King won, but still needed Monke help. And I respect Monke."

Stupid Kong Fan cry: "NO, GODILLZA WON JUST BECAUSE OF PLOT ARMOR/FAVOURITISM, AUTHORS AND DIRECTORS ARE BULLSHIT, ALL IS BULLSHIT!" VS Chad Kong Enjoyer Says: "Monke lost fair and Square. But Monke is still a King. Respect to Nuke Lizard."

Be an Enjoyer, not a Fan. Not that hard and you won't look like a first class cringe. If this offends you, YOU'RE doing something wrong.

Public Discord Server! It's discord Come join us, we have movie nights! Fifth chapter, so now we have a section for this story to chat/meme/etc!

My Kofi is: https:///serendipitoushousepet

Twitter: _S_H_P_ and Addict_Attic (NSFW)

I take commissions if you want. 1000 words for just $10 or .01 a word.. Email me.

Thank DragonkingDragneel25 for the beta reading! Anyway, enjoy!


Gojira, Godzilla and Junior at his side, watched and waited. He could feel Zilla's approach at a rapid speed, her radioactive energies swirling and boiling with possible excitement, fury, or something he had to guess..

He was eager himself in a way, to see what this knock off was made of and whether she would follow the way of her predecessor. Or alternate self, whatever the case my be he supposed.

Godzilla and Junior were eager to see her too, but they also had another reason, well, Godzilla supposedly, "Remember, no sudden unprovoked brawls."

"Rather rich coming from you," Gojira taunted with a dry expression.

Godzilla rumbled out, a faint twitch in her left eye, "That wasn't unprovoked, fuck off."

"Uh huh," Gojira deadpanned with a light wave of his hand, "and why are you really here, Junior?"

Junior replied with a snarky, "What do you think?"

"Copying your mother and seeing how this probably goes awry," Gojira answered with a casual shrug.

"You guessed right, old iguana," the little one drawled as she narrowed her eyes at him.

"And the rest of you aren't slick either!" Gojira called out, not even bothering to so much as glance towards the rustling and murmuring coming from the lush bushes, "at this point, none of you are even worthy of mocking, that alone is just sad."

Megalon's head popped up from beneath the Godzilla's, actually surprising them, Gojira included, "It's rather freaky how good you are at this, Gojira."

"Gah!" Junior immediately jumped on her head and forced her back in, "Don't do that!"

"Everyone else just leave!" Shouted Godzilla, "This our affair and we don't want to deter that knockoff, no curve from coming over, got it!"

"Well, because you said that," Queen Ghidorah flew down next to them and spoke with a haughty tone, "I'm not doing it. Go on, try to move me." She was getting rather comfortable around her captors. Or rather presumed captors at this point.

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