And Here's Where it started!

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AN: Been a while and good news!

First page is done! And more are incoming. Once there are three pages, I'll be posting the story AND unveiling a for the comics!

Also, been putting a lot of love into transformers and my World of Darkness comics. So please check those out if interested.

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My Kofi is: https:///serendipitoushousepet

Twitter: _S_H_P_ and Addict_Attic (NSFW), Insta: 1_s.h.p_1, Deviantart: AQuickSeriesOfWords, Pixiv: Attic_Addict

I take commissions if you want. 1000 words for just $10. Email me.

As always guys, thanks for the support, me and Dragon love it.

Anywho, please enjoy! Big thank you to DragonkingDragneel25 as usual!


Time seemed to be... slowing down for Rodan. Everything was happening at once and the only faces she could see were Gojira and Queen Caesar. Them caught right in the act with guilt written all over them.

Of course there was background noise. Megalon she remembered. Yes, she existed. She was around. But what did she matter right now? What mattered was currently getting busy in her lava pits.

And all of his filling was all over her face before Queen Caesar hurriedly gulped it down in a shameless display then hurriedly saying, "Gals, I can explain... we ran out of yogurt!"

Megalon hissed out as she gave both Gojira and Queen Caesar a heated glare, "That's terrible -"

"Ay dios Mio! Te Puta!" Rodan roared out so loud that it carried out through the entire island. She rushed over at such a high speed with the power of her flight that she nearly made a super sonic boom, jabbing a finger at both monsters, "I caught you fuckers red handed! Cum handed! Traitor! Devil! Liar! Horncats, literally in your case!" She glowered at Queen Caesar. She then proceeded to curse rapidly in Spanish to the point it turned into frothing gibberish.

"What!? Where the hell is this coming from!?" Queen Caesar could barely retort to Rodan when she gets this worked up, but slowly, pieces were coming together and this just absolutely cemented suspicions. Slowly, a smirk creeped on Queen Caesar's face.

"Don't fucking smirk, you conniving cat creature!" Rodan roared in her face, poking her right in the nose while Gojira was watching, absolutely flabbergasted.

Gojira piped up and asked, "Is this about territory?"

"I too am confused," Megalon added, waving a hand in the air.

"Oh it's about territory alright," Queen Caesar literally had a purr in her tone before she folded her arms, "You like Gojira too don't you, Rodan?"

Once again everything stopped and silence dominated the area. All eyes were on Rodan before they went to Gojira then back to Rodan. Then Gojira broke the silence and said, "Clearly... Rodan has fondness over me, but how does that play into her rage over this?"

Then all three turned to him, Rodan a mixture of frustrated, pissed, and even a light blush from the way he used her name, Megalon with absolute shock, and Queen Caesar rolled her eyes, "Oh, to be surprisingly somewhat as naïve as you, Gojira."

"Then enlighten me and drop the condescension," Gojira huffed with a light brow twitch.

"She likes you," Queen Caesar told him as she reached over for their clothes.

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