We Solved the Problem the Very Same Day

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"They're doing what!?" Godzilla roared, eyes flaring blue. She was ready to charge off, find the nearest city, and tear it to shreds. "Those fucking mongrels!"

Anguirus had a disgusted scowl, shared by all the other Daikaiju there save for Megalon, who remained stoic, and Junior, who looked miserable, on her face. "That's low. Even for them."

"They defiled her grave to make a weapon. A mockery and defiling of nature." Mothra shook her head and placed her free hand on Godzilla's shoulder. "I wish I awakened sooner to stop them. To convince theme to cease such an atrocity."

Godzilla clenched and unclenched her hands, taking deep breathes, until her face softened, though still scowling. "Don't give yourself any crap, Mothra. Knowing General fuck-his-face, he would've gone and done it anyway, piece of utter shit."

Gojira wasn't surprised in the slightest. What did surprise him was the fact there was a previous Godzilla before this one, the first Godzilla of this world, one who was held in high regard by this Godzilla. One she called her mother. The pieces were starting to come together and it made his heart ache to simply think over. The possibility that this Godzilla...

No. Gojira didn't want to jump to conclusions. He did that too many times in Hell, whether it be a fake moment of calm, a fake grasp at freedom, and worse yet, ghosts of his past that weren't even really there. Things that were clawed from the darkest depths of his mind, nightmares and desires alike. And even to this day, he could still see the horrors of Hell, taunting him from the bleak abyss of his mind.

Still. Minilla, Gojira's Minilla, was gone. And so was Gojira, trapped in some alternate reality. But even if that was the case, Gojira found himself filling up with a new purpose outside of his rage. Godzilla and Junior. Perhaps out of a need for both kinship and even desperation, he wanted to be close with them as he was with Minilla. He wanted to protect them. Whatever the universe threw his way, it would have to go through him before it touched a single strand of hair on the head of those two.

Then he thought of his counterpart. He was furious, furious she, possibly himself in a way, could die before this Godzilla had grown and even more furious with Humanity to go so far, even if it was an action he would expect them to perform. His life proved many things to him, important lessons, and one of them was that Humanity wasn't worth saving. They were monsters who did as they pleased, took whoever they pleased. Had the aliens merely threatened their lives, he would've left them be. That, and if Ghidorah wasn't present.

He focused on projecting his rage, something he did incredibly well, and spoke to the doctor. "You're kind are worthless, human. You would be better off going extinct."

Dr. Serizawa didn't say anything. He understood Gojira's feelings and merely offered a guilty look. However, the Kaiju Girls, sans Megalon and Mothra, the moth Kaiju Girl actually giving Gojira a look of odd sympathy, glared at him. Godzilla walked up to Gojira and butted heads. "Where the fuck do you get off sayin' that to him? The GDF pulled this shit, Serizawa is warning us after trying to stop them."

Gojira was shocked by how Minilla-no, Godzilla was the very first to speak up on this human's behalf. Queen Caesar was next. "You may hate the humans, but there's one thing you should take away from this conversation." She pointed to Serizawa. "People like him exist. People like him are proof of their worth, even to the likes of you. And as a Guardian of Humanity, I would never let that happen anyway."

"You really are an enigma." Came Megalon's voice, her eyes lock on Gojira. "You act so aloof yet here you are, showing all this rage. And even traces of sympathy."

Gojira mentally cursed Megalon for saying that as Godzilla's glare of suspicion returned. Luckily, she shook it off and spoke to the group as a whole. "It pisses me off to say it, but the GDF's stunt can wait. We gotta get our asses moving double time before they start trying to lock shit down. Can't kick alien ass stuck on Infant Island."

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