My Wrath Reignited!

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A monster's roar that echoed across the Earth. Across even some of the vastness of space. From her perch upon the moon, Space Godzilla smirked. "Ah, my progenitor is at it again." Beside her, a gelatinous mass giggled and she simply patted her companion's head. "His war cry is the signal. It has begun. Do make this entertaining, dearest father!" She laughed.

"Slaughter, slaughter, slaughter!" The excitable Hedorah shouted gleefully.



"No..." Muttered Serizawa, just making it outside the GDF's battleship perimeter. "I was too late. Dammit, Mashiro. You blind fool."



Even through the bombs and explosions going through the tunnels, they could hear Gojira's roar echo throughout the cavern system. It was worse than the roar Gojira made back in Tokyo. Megalon couldn't help mutter, "Damn... I thought I'd get less scared by this point too."

Further away, between Anguirus and Queen Caesar, Junior muttered, "Gojira..."



Everyone topside heard his roar over the roar of any bombs or guns firing upon them. Even the likes of Queen Ghidorah facing this new human made automaton. A robot Kaiju Girl with drill arms and drill helmet, a bulked up build, thought still very feminine, and glowing yellow eyes.

She simply said, "Mogeura!"

A hurricane began to form and Queen Ghidorah hissed, "Fine last words!" Before she fired at the robot with her Gravity Beams. Mogeura narrowed her eyes before releasing a emp force field to neutralize the beams and fired a series of cryo missiles, freezing large spots on Queen Ghidorah's wings and forcing her to land. She was shocked at being so easily countered by insect machinery.

"Mogeura!" The robot shouted, priming up both plasma and freezing weapons.

Queen Ghidorah didn't speak her robotic language, but she knew an insult when she heard one. "How dare you!?"


Yashiro was was staring at Gojira for a split second before she realized something. Her arms were trembling and her breathing became slightly infrequent. Luckily, she was calmed by Gyozen's roar into the intercoms, "Yashiro! Open fire!"

"Sir!" Yashiro engaged the electrical beams, "Yes, sir!"

She fired it straight for Gojira's chest. Gojira blocked with his forearms and was only sent skidding back until he began to walk forward, snarling and charging up his atomic energy, one thought going through his mind as he walked through the pain; vengeance. "Raargh!"

Yashiro grit her teeth and began firing the cannons around Kiryu's arms, aiming straight for Gojira's legs. Gojira snarled as he released a heated nuke pulse. This forced Yashiro to cease firing and put up the electromagnetic shields. They neutralized the effects of the pulse, but the power in Kiryu took a significant hit.

Sadly, the few planes overhead weren't so lucky and brought down in a fiery wreckage.

Gojira immediately charged at Kiryu, driving his fist straight into the midsection and sending the war machine straight into the ground with a noticeable dent. Yoshido was almost thrown around in the cockpit, yelling, "Sir, he's barely phased!"

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