The Night of Frost.

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"The skies are clear, sir. We're mapping out the targets now." Spoke a pilot.

Inside the Gotengo deep within the ocean, Gyozen, sitting in the central seat with captain Douglas by his side, nodded. "Good. Make it snappy, trooper. There's no telling how long they may take to notice. And make no mistake; they will notice."


Gojira watched as the waxing gibbous moon rose high above the horizon. It was rather nice to watch. No voices, visions, or anything to annoy him. Still, his heart ached. It was nights like these that him and Minilla would spend together, father and surrogate watching the sky... without knowing it's darker secrets. He also noticed a dark metallic object in the sky... one of those human planes. He snorted out smoke and continued to watch the skies.

"Yo, Mudak." Came the call of Anguirus as she walked up from the bushes.

"What?" Gojira growled.

As this point, she was used to it and went on to say, "Just wanted to chit chat is all."

"You really can't take a hint through your thick shell can you, Kickball?" Gojira muttered distastefully.

Anguirus laughed it off. "Nope. My shell is impervious."

"Yeah, sure it is." He replied with an eyeroll.

Anguirus walked up next to him. "So, you like moon gazing?"

Gojira shook his head. "No. I just like to stand around like a statue." He sarcastically answered.

"You say that with sarcasm and yet," Anguirus trailed off with a smug expression.

"Just shut the hell up and let me enjoy myself." Gojira hissed to her, keeping his gaze to the moon as his eyes narrowed. "Why do you even wish to speak with me so casually?"

"Well, why not?" Anguirus replied.

"I belittle you and show open hostility." He told her with a dry tone.

She merely shrugged, "Meh... so did Godzilla."

"I can kill you." Gojira stated very seriously.

"But will you?" Anguirus fearlessly asked back.

Gojira turned to her and narrowed his eyes, glaring daggers at her. "Don't test that, Kickball. You'll hate the results."

Anguirus just watched the moon for a moment before asking. "Do you ever feel... lonely."

"No, why ask?" Gojira said very quickly.

Anguirus found this all very familiar. "You're so aggressive and pushy. Again, just like Godzilla was but... far worse."

"And that troubles you?" Gojira snorted.

"Well, yeah." Anguirus honestly answered. "I mean, that shit's depressing. And the only time you seem to have a brighter attitude is when your with the Godzilla's... every other time you're so spiteful and thorny. Your default greeting is, "Grr, die maggot," or "Fuck off, worthless" or something like that." She did a rather accurate impersonation of Gojira complete with strangling hand gestures.

"Because you all aggravate me." Gojira growled, especially unamused by her impersonation. "I have a reason to not like you and to despise those I do. And I have a good reason to only want to interact with the Godzillas."

"Well... okay." Said Anguirus with a shrug. "But that doesn't sit well with me. Or anyone else."

"Sounds like a -"

"Including the Godzillas." Anguirus told him, immediately shutting him up. "Listen, Mudak. I've seen Kaiju like you before... in a sense." She muttered that last part. "You seem kinda lonely. A lonely mudak."

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