Chapter 18 King returns

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*Flash Back* When Helbram woke up Helbram finally came downstairs while Gowther helps him walk while holding a book reading it, Merlin moves a few inches so they can get downstairs it was silent nobody said a word but from their heartbeats, Helbram knew something was wrong but he didn't know it was about his best friend.

End of FlashBack.

back at the dorms, Bakugo finds a cage covered in a blanket making noises he lifts the blanket up to discover a dog with purple spots and is a green color as Bakugo opens the cage the dog runs up to King and sniffs him then growls running off the balcony and jumps building to building in the dark "what was that? asked Sue, "Not a clue" shrugged Bakugo pointing to the cage.

everyone was filled with worry waiting for the others Until the door opened with sue coming in holding King with her frog-like tongue, Elizabeth got up from the stool she was on and started healing him right away finally Deku and Bakugo finally came through the door catching their breath

"did you find anything about the thing? asked Merlin first "Really Merlin King barley came back alive" argued Diane "well there was a strange dog looking thing in a cage whimpering Bakugo let it out and it sniffed Harlequin and it growled jumping off the balcony" explained Deku

"was it a teal dog and green dog with green spots," asked Elaine with a curious look across her face "interesting," said Merlin floating over the stairs deep in thought.

seconds later everyone hears a groan everyone turns their head to see King just getting up but sat back down in a sitting position Elaine flew next to King "I'm so sorry" Elaine whispered Hugging him with tears flowing down her cheeks then Helbram joins the hug no words being passed.

everyone watching was all happy for the fairy's "It's on its! way shouted Merlin everyone was startled, King finally stood up "I would like you guys to leave and go as far away as possible staring at his fellow classmates "we can help," said Deku.

"you guys should listen to King It's , more powerful now with King's blood and before it defeated me" explained Meliodas. "I can drop them off at the dorms and stay there with the snake "explained Merlin "I agree," said Meliodas before anyone could object Merlin teleported everyone to the dorms.

A/N Hello sorry for the late update happy super late new Year and wow! 1K I really never thought this story would get that far thank you for all your wonderful support hope you have a good day/ night.

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