1k special

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The day of the Provisional Hero license. after class, 1-A makes it to the site "blend in and get your license" thought King as they walk in to start the first challenge King separated from the Class even when Deku tells them not to "chastiefol guardian form Kings pillow becomes a bear and picks up 2 of the closest people to him King takes the balls and hit their targets then King completed the challenge King lets the people go and turns the guardian back into a pillow and go to the room where nobody in "guess I'm first, I should take a quick nap" thought King before taking a nap "King wake up you shouldn't be sleeping at a time like this" explained Ida doing these weird hand motions "oh okay thanks for waking me up Ida" said King in the middle of a yawn.

The second challenge was to rescue the 'the injured citizens' around the place "this is just like what I do all the time" thought King with a chuckle "why are you chuckling? asked Kaminari who looks scared "No reason" said King flying away to a falling building where a lady who looks like she in her thirty's who was 'trapped under the building' King makes the chastiefol into mini daggers thrown towards the rock covering the lady after she was free King transformed his chastiefol back into a pillow to carry the lady to the medical tent.

After the lady was getting healed a bunch of minions and the 'villain' came around King watched Todorki and another person get themselves stuck by the 'villain' King flew over "remember just a test nothing to powerful" thought King as he was above 'the villain' using the normal form chastiefol and started going on defense being the distraction for Midoriya Todoroki and the other guy to attack when Deku was going to do another punch the bell rings to stop the round.

They were about to give the results on the 100 who get their license King started looking for his name he found it knowing he passed someone handed him the results and he had a perfect 100% only need to be less lazy Kaminari looked over King's shoulder "you got a 100! shouted Kaminari making everyone around them look in shock, yeah it says 100 on the paper King thought rolling his eyes "wow that's cool you're going to get all the ladies now" said Mineta with a nose bleed King walks away back to the bus 'I'm so tired what was the purpose of this" thought King going back to sleep on the bus back to U.A.

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