Chapter 10 Childish Memories

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This time Kirishima and Bakugo couldn't come to 'they had to study' But Ida and Todoroki tagged along Everyone was walking over to The Boar Hat chatting "well I never knew a place like this is here? Said Ida studying the building "yeah they move this place frequently" shrugged King.

Houser was outside rambling on the phone "what you not listening, Jericho! the phone hung up "really! said Houser looking at the sky King went to Houser "let me guess that was Jericho taking A vantage that you're gone" smirked King "Jericho still not over him" sighed Houser King tried not laughing but only giggled "that not funny I have to deal with her at training" said Houser making King laugh even louder "you're so mean just like ban" commented Houser "at least I don't fall asleep and accidentally travel to japan with the group" said King "I hate you said Houser walking Inside "you know that not true' shouted King giggling.

"Jeez, last time I saw you Giggle that much you almost drowned thinking there's gold at the bottom of the lagoon" laughed a familiar voice from above not even looking up "Helbram in my defense you woke me up and told me that," Helbram said King's eyes finally matching his "no you were just Delusional" laughed Helbram the group made it to watch the scene unfold Kamniari even is videotaping the whole thing "Elaine went out the second-floor window using her wind circles around King and Helbram and whispered "stop it you to" throwing them close to the ground scaring them both Helbram grabbed on to King both fall to the ground "och really Elaine "mumbled King who was under Helbram.

Elaine came down "sorry but you both are still so childish" explained Elaine shaking her head Helbram got up first saying "he started it" said Helbram pointing at King who was still on the ground got up "can I stone him? asked King breaking a smile and started laughing "wow this brings back memories" said King through Laughing "oh yeah" chuckled Elaine "always breaking up are fights and pranks" said Helbram "you mean you pranks" King corrected.

"Sorry but we should all go inside now" smiled King "see internment" whispered Mineta at Ida the group walking to the doors to the Boar Hat, "there still those childish kids aren't they," said Elaine walking behind the group smile on her face.

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