Chapter 24 explaining

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The seven deadly sins and a sobber Howser were all in the U.A dorms in front of Class 1-A with Mr.Aizawa and a talking animal what even is the animal who is the principal named Nezu.

How did they get there well after they started cleaning the mess in the Boar Hat Harlequin got a call from the principal Nezu to bring everyone from the seven deadly sins to the fairies and a sober Howser?

" seat down have some tea you secret got out can you please explain to the class," said Principal Nezu everyone sat down "well what do you guys want to know..." ask Ban with a shoulder shrug not caring.

"are you dead", "what was that thing" "who are the guys really" " Woah to many questions," said Ban making Diane roll her eyes "we're called the Seven Deadly Sins were knights from Liones" Explained Meliodias "It a place not many people know about we don't have quirks were are races from giants to fairies witches dolls demons, goddess, vampires, and humans and Ban being the only immortal" explained, Merlin.

"wow, a place without quirks... like magic!! said Midoriya "holy crap immortal that so cool" shout Kaminari and Sero "the creature you guys saw earlier was known to be part demon made by the demon king himself before dying it bingoing all over the place and when it went to Japan we had to hunt it down before it does any more damage," said Gowther cleaning his glasses "so I had to go undercover as a U.A student into finding the demon but it was harder then we thought" explained King.

"that explains why you so closed off at first" stated Todorki "and called Meliodas captain" commented Kirishima "but who and why is there a drunk guy and how is he part of it," asked Uraraka "oh he actually fell asleep drinking when we were leaving he has been a side character this whole time," said Gowther making everyone laugh while Howser was trying to defend himself.

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