Chapter 5 Don't blow your cover!

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It's Sunday and I'm still sore from that attack thought King as he walks to his balcony to get some fresh air his phone went off it was Helbram "Hey Helbram" I said calmly "what! shouted King almost falling off the balcony if he wasn't floating slightly  "yeah we didn't catch him because it flew towards the portal else, so you still have to stay in Japan" explained Helbram "alright did you guys see it's real face? asked King who started pacing up and down the balcony "well no but we'll find him soon" Helbram pressured "we'll give you updates soon bye" Replied Helbram and the phone call ended s" why can't this be easy to capture thought King out loud  "oh well guess I can't enjoy time here worth anything" thought King as he heads back inside  Unaware that someone overheard their conversation.

while Oslo was keeping King entertained while he kept thinking until a knock was heard from the door it was Deku telling him dinner was done   "I will be there in second" Replied King as he gets up and hides Oslo he closes his door walking in the common room and finding a spot in a corner where nobody really in  Dinner was stir-fry, I sat there thinking about how Elaine was doing until Bakuugo blocked his train of thought  "so why you carry a pillow around like a toddler" laughed Bakugo  "oh it's maybe because of it being more useful at moments" shrugged King could care less with everyone eyes on him "what use can a pillow do that I can't" smirked Bakugo  "Okay form one Chastiefol" seconds later it turned into a long spear silence filled the room  "wow it looks as if it was made of steel" questioned Deku who's mesmerized by its features.

"But why to use it in a city with people," asked Bakugo with an evil grin knowing he getting under King's skin  "because I  don't live in a city, back home it was more dangerous back then so I had to use open range" explained  King getting aggravated and was about to leave "we'll it not like you need to protect anyone" laughed Bakugo  King froze there for a minute as the memories flooding back when he wasn't able to save the people he cared about, the room went dead silent you could even hear a pin drop  "have you watch you uncles get slain in front of you by a  murder? , you're right I can't save the people I care about, but that doesn't mean I can't stop trying!!shouted King holding his fist to his side with a grim face with tears running down his cheeks as he directly looks at Bakugo and practically flys to his room and closing the door.

  "Don't you think that was a little harsh, you even made him cry" asked Kirishima feeling bad for Harlequin poor Harlequin thought Ochaco  "that mean Kacchan you don't say those things you even made him cry" grumbled Deku going to check on him  "whatever he can't always be the hero" scuffed Bakugo as he walks to his room  "are you alright I don't think Kacchan meant that" replied Deku on the other side of the door  "it's okay I should've never reacted like that" days King wiping his tears  "no you had the right to react that way" replied Deku walking away leaving dumbfounded Mineta and Kaminari who were esdropping. That night I wanted to leave and never come back.

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