Invisible string

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Shawn and Camila reluctantly pulled away as they heard someone well Alejandro clear his throat rather loudly than necessary.
"See as much as I approve you for my daughter I don't want to see you licking her face in front of me, not gonna lie makes me wanna kick your ass."

Sinu showed Alejandro her best attempt to angry eyes at his choice of words.

"What? She's only 24, she is still a baby!" Alejandro defended emphasising the word baby.
"Exactly I'm 24 not a baby anymore" Camila countered.
"Yes you are! You'll always be my little girl." The older man said his voice cracking a bit at the end. Camila didn't argue further and just enveloped him in a much needed father-daughter hug.

"Aww guys! What about me?" Sinu complained smiling as her eyes welled up with unshedded tears. The duo chuckled and pulled the blond as well. Alejandro pulled away just slightly and offered Shawn his hand pulling him in the bone crushing hug as well.

"Welcome to the family son."

Eventually the joyous moment subsided and they pulled away, warm smiles decorating thier face and thier hearts full for the first time in a very long time. In that moment they had no fear of anything just thier souls full of love and happiness.

"But wait, wait I don't understand when did you guys grew this close? Not that I'm complaining or anything but I literally thought you were gonna kick Shawn's ass for sure." Camila said looking curiously from Alejandro to Shawn and then back at her father.

"Language." Sinu intruded.
"Sorry mama." Camila muttered under her breath.

"Well after the I gotmy memory back, I looked through the box which contained all the belongings of my mum and dad, and there were some pictures of my dad's graduation. No doubt I had seen those pictures before but I don't know maybe it was meant to be that in one of the pictures my eyes landed on someone who I wouldn't even have dreamed of..... your dad."

"What? Really?" Camila interrupted clearly shocked by the discovery.

"Really. In fact when I looked through more pictures I found one of just both our dads together. I was so confused that for a moment I didn't know what to do but then I thought about sorting all this out through the simple way so I went to your dad's office and before he would kick me out or I should say kick my perfect butt I showed him the pictures and well he was confused at first too-" Shawn was cut off as Alejandro spoke.

"And then I just started making assumptions and was about to punch him in the face because I thought the Levy's had done something to Manuel or maybe had held him hostage somewhere to blackmail me but at the very next instant Shawn told me that Manny was his dad and honestly it didn't made any sense to me as I always thought he was Mark's son. Shawn explained me everything and when I heard what he'd been through and what had happened to his mom and Manny my heart broke..... Manny was my-my best friend since I was 9....but after college we went on different paths and gradually just lost touch but he had always been my best friend hell he was like a brother to me. I-I was so fucking angry, I swearto god I was just a minute away from killing that son of a bitch Mark fucking Levy but thank goodness Shawn, he is such a great kid even when I had lost it he reminded me it was a bad idea to attack Mark without proper planning because it could be really dangerous." Alejandro placed his hand proudly on Shawn's shoulder before continuing the story.

"Shawn then told me about the real plan and how there was never any new gang doing all this stuff and there was never an alliance from thier side and it was just the doing of Mark all along. So, as we had all the information we needed we made a plan and we had to make sure Mark trusted Shawn, so we acted the whole Shawn-Leila thing as we knew Leila was reporting every thing back to Mark and that was all we needed to boost his trust. Mark knew Cody couldn't do anything right anyway so he handed the responsibility to handle his mission to Shawn and you know how that went...."

"Perfectly." Shawn completed high-fiving Alejandro.

"I have to go kids come home till dinner okay?" Alejandro said as the married couple waved them off.

Shawn took both of Camila's hands in his and looked down diving into her beautiful brown orbs gleaming up at him as he stroked her left cheek gently.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know what else to do. I'm so so sorry I didn't wanted to hurt you-" Camila cut him off by pressing her index finger to his lips.

"I know, baby. I know you did for all of ours safety and that's okay I understand it was for the best. What happened, happened it's the past and we Shawn Mendes are not going to live in the past. You know what I think whatever happened was meant to be, no matter what challenges life brings us if you and me, we both are together we can overcome any fucking obstacle and I'm certain even if we do fall apart we'll make our way back to each other, always."

"I don't know how to explain it but even when my mind didn't remember any fucking thing my heart did. It always felt like I belonged to you, with you it-it was like an invisible string was tied between us. A string that is so strong that no force can break it, break us. I loved you Camila Cabello when I didn't even remember you, I love you today and I will be going to love you till the end of time." Shawn lovingly said nudging her nose with his.

"And I love you Shawn Mendes, today tomorrow and every other day, forever.

~~~~~~~The end~~~~~~~

A/N: Thank you for sticking with me ily guys! Also I really don't have the time to extend this book but maybe I would do a sequel in the future.♥️

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