Always find my way back

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Camila's pov:

It had been a little less than five months since we had started dating and things were going better than expected, we barely had any fights yes we argued like crazy on each and everything but most of the tines it was lighthearted. I was more than sure that I was head over heels in love with him but I didn't know how to convey those words to him. They weren't just three words to me, they were emotions which meant the world to me. I had never imagined in such a dangerous life I would get to have a love life, hell I never even imagined feeling those words and emotions for someone who wasn't a family member.

And it wasn't like I hadn't tried, I had many times but the words just got stuck in my throat. I remember last morning I was about to say them but goddammit Brian had to come, which by the way was the only person along with Taylor who knew about us.

In these past months Shawn had brought out a different side of me, the side who was carefree and lively. He suprised me by taking me to paragliding, horse riding and he took me to a beach where we high jumped holding hands. To be very honest I was very scared in the beginning of all these adventures but as he took my hand in his and cooed in my ear just to let go and live all these things felt easy and fun. We also got into our first fight the past month, I was gone for an urgent shipment and I forgot to tell him that I would be busy and he stopped by the apartment and called me many times clearly concerned but my phone was off. He got worried and  raised his voice a little, but it was enough to raise my voice as well. I was already pissed because a new gang had looted our drugs so I told him that I didn't needed anyone to tell me what I was supposed to do and to fuck off.

I knew I was the one at fault so for the first time in my life I had put my fat ass ego at rest and went to apologise. When he opened the door, he didn't even asked me or let me say anything and just pulled me in a tight hug, I wrapped my arms around his torso.

"I was just worried about you." He whispered.

"I know, I'm sorry... I - I shouldn't have said all that stuff to you." I murmured against his chest.

"It's okay, but please next time tell me if you're at your parents house or busy. You got me really worried." He said before cupping my face in his hands and softly kissing my forehead.
In that moment it hit my like a ton of bricks, I was in love with him damn hard. Well then we had hot passionate make up sex, and we slept safe and soundly.

Currently, we were sitting on the shore of the Miami beach, my body situated between his legs and his hands wrapped tight around my body.  That's when I realised, there wasn't only one place in which I felt warm and safe which were in my father's embrace, but now there were two in his arms. I felt like no one could ever hurt me untill I was in his arms I was protected and loved in his firm hold.

I turned my head to look up at his beautiful face.
"Hmm" he answered looking down at me.

"I love you."
He gave me his most beautiful smile, flashing his dimples before softly touching his lips to mine.

"I love you too, so much." He hummed against my lips.

I connected our lips in a passionate yet tender kiss which I hope conveyed how much I loved him and he happily kissed me back with the same passion.

"You promise you won't ever leave me?" I asked afer pulling away slightly looking in those gorgeous hazel orbs.

"I can't promise that, but I promise you that no matter what I'll always find my way back to you."

A/N: I've published another shawmila story "Chalk & Slate" it's a short but emo one, so if you haven't please do check it out♥️

Also, I changed my name from loveforshawmila to shawmilasbitch🤣🤣

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