Get your head out of your butt

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The few days after their their big fight they didn't even looked straight in the eyes, they just talked when it was necessary and now Camila thought maybe it was time for her to move on. Taylor and Dua told her deliberately to make a plan to profusely get her man back but Camila turned their ideas down he wasn't a game to her, she knew if there was even a percentage of her Shawn there he would find his way back to her just as he promised. But for now just sitting and watching Shawn as he flirt with other girls wasn't what she wanted and to get her heart broken didn't made any sense so maybe it was time she'd move on just like him.

Meanwhile Shawn felt horrible for saying those things to Camila, for making her feel that way. He knew he broke her heart by saying all those things but his heart broke too when she told him she wanted to forget it all. All he wanted to do was to remember and all she wanted to do was to forget.

So currently, Camila was at a club with Taylor supposedly trying to lighten up her mood a bit. This time without even having a single drink Camila agreed to head to the dance floor with Taylor. While Taylor was quick in finding some company, Camila didn't pull away either when a guy wrapped his arms around her body from behind. She let herself go with the beat, she didn't mind when the blond behind her turned her body as of now they were face to face as they swayed to the upbeat music.


"What the fuck!" Shawn angrily spat as soon as he spotted Camila on the dance floor.

"Dude! This is crazy you don't get to say that when you literally have a blond attached to your hip everytime you're near her what do you expect from her?" Brian said almost disappointedly.

"I don't know bro what am I doing anymore hell I don't even know who I am anymore it's like I'm lost. I want to believe her because I know she would never do something like what her father did. I want to be with her everytime everyday, I just want to senselessly kiss her. I don't know what to do anymore." Shawn honestly told his red headed best friend.

"Holy shit dude you're in love with her again. You literally fell in love with her like in two lifetimes! Well not exactly but I DON'T CARE!!" Brian almost shrieked gaining a deep laugh from his best friend.

"Well...." Shawn wanted to say something but he knew his friend was right and there was no sense in arguing because he knew he wouldn't win.

"Well I think you should tell your brain and it's irrational thoughts to fuck off, get your head out of your butt and go get yo gurl!" Brian said pushing Shawn towards the dance floor.

Shawn mustered up all the courage he had before pushing past the crowd of drunk people. He stood just a few centimetres away from her as anger spilled through his body as he watched Camila and the blond's face just inches apart. He took a deep calming breath before taking Camila's hand in his gently intervining their fingers and taking her towards an empty hall.

Camila yanked her arm out of his firm grip as she furiously tapped her feet on the wooden floor. She grabbed his collar angrily.

"What the fuck is your problem? You don't want anything to do with me, fuck for the past I don't know how many days are hitting on girls in front of me and then when I think I should forget about you for fucksake try to move on you won't let that happen! What is this sick game you're trying to pull-"

Shawn cut her off as he smashed his lips against hers in a nerve-wracking hell of a kiss. Camila wrapped her arms around his neck as he pulled her closer to his body as they got lost in the feeling of their lips deliciously moving together. They pulled away panting heavily catching their breaths.

Shawn cupped her cheeks in his large hands before torching his lips to hers and murmuring the words she never thought she'd get to hear from him again.

"I fucking love you, so damn much."

A/N: Shawn's new tattoo says "Wonder" and many people on ig are saying it's in Camila's handwriting!

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