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Shawn and Camila ventured around and stopped by the beach to take a walk like all their usual Saturday's went by. They were watching the sun set in its glory and beautiful colours, but what seemed more beautiful to Shawn was the girl in his arms.

She was adoring the setting sun and he was busy adoring her gorgeous features and her eyes that were shining so brightly that he was sure it could lighten all the darkened corners of his heart and soul. Shawn was sure that Camila is the one, she was the only girl for him. He knew he couldn't love anyone but her, he didn't needed anyone else but her.

Shawn tightened his hold on her body and she leaned back a little more against his chest as Shawn planted a soft kiss on her hair. In this absolute moment he wanted nothing more than to tell her truth, the truth about his life and who he was but he just couldn't, he was afraid, afraid of losing her. He swallowed the emotions welling up, he felt as if something wrong, very wrong was about to happen so he held her as close as he could.He had a weird feeling churning in the pit of his stomach but he ignored it and instead decided to show this special girl in his arms just how much he loved her through words, lips, tongue and his hands.

Shawn sighed as he did his tie and made his way to the mansion. He was forced to attend one of the big officer's party. This man was crazy he always went to one of these parties just to bribe the officers to provide him a clean slate. So, currently he was standing beside Cody, his stepbrother, Aliyah and his so called father.

"Alejandro Cabello and the Cabello family ooh." The elder man said looking amused by the mere presence of the family.

"Shawn?" Camila said her eyes wide.

Shawn turned around at the familiar voice just to witness his girlfriend, but the question was what was she doing at such a party and how did this man know her and Cabello? Shawn's head was spinning now.

"Camila?" He said as an elder man which he supposed was his father eyed him suspiciously.

"Do you guys know each other? Tell me you don't." Alejandro questioned her daughter angrily.

"Umm dad he- he's just a friend." Camila answered looking down at the floor which told Alejandro that his daughter was unquestionably lying at which Mark laughed wickedly.

"Ooh Ale you mad at your daughter, I'm damn proud my son got at it with your daughter."

"I'm not your son." Shawn warned the white haired man.

"Sinu, Camila we're leaving." Alejandro ordered.

"But dad-" Camila began.

"Now!" Alejandro cut her off and they made their way out. Camila looked up at Shawn all the way through she reached the double doors, her eyes asking a million questions, desparately pleading for answers but as for now Shawn had none.

"I have to say I'm quite proud of you son I mean Shawn, that's a perfect plan to get all the information about the Cabello's, the daughter."

"Listen you sick fucking bastard, I don't know that girl, and even if I did knew her I would never use someone, I'm nothing like." Shawn spat before making his way out.

Camila's pov:

"Camila, how do you know that boy? And I want the truth."

"I love him dad and he- he loves me." I answered honestly.

"Oh you really think he loves you? He's just using you to get to me, his father is our biggest rival. He's a Levy, he doesn't loves you."

"He do loves me and he's not a Levy, he's a Mendes." I replied as a single tear escaped my eye. My father was visibly confused so well I told him the whole story and for a moment I thought he would understand but he didn't.

"See, I don't know for all you know he could be lying to manipulate you. I'm not going to change my mind you can't see him anymore and that's final." He said and I strided out as tears streamed down my face, why wouldn't he understand, I know Shawn and I'm sure on my life that he loves me and it wasn't just a sick game, I could see it in the way he looked at me, the way he would touch me ever so softly like a feather, the way he would make love to me so tenderly yet passionately.

"We need to talk, meet me by the park in an hour."

A/N: This is getting good now😈

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