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There was an indescribable ache in his heart the moment Camila left his place. He enjoyed her company a little too much and he didn't knew why but everytime she was even a bit close to him his heartbeat would sped up and he felt his blood rush in his veins, he knew whatever this was it would end dangerously but as much as his mind wanted to his heart wouldn't let him stop feeling things he'd never felt only for her.

His father had called in to know how was the plan to get information from Camila was going. He knew even if he did love him she wasn't an idiotic fool that would just divulge information about her family like that. So he just told him that all was going well.

An hour later as Shawn was looking for fresh clothes in his closet to wear after a sweaty work out session a photograph fluttered out and fell onto the soft mat. He crouched down and curiously looked at it but as soon as he flipped the picture his heart sank into his stomach. He could clearly make out the connection, it was her mom. He looked so much like her. She was so beautiful all he wanted in that moment was to see her smile at him, he wanted to hug her so badly, tell her about so much but that was all he could dream of because the reality was for more complicated than dreams.

He sighed deeply and swallowed hard the emotions welling up in his throat. He stared at the picture for minutes and after the emotional phase faded anger balled up on him. Anger, hatred for the one and only Alejandro Cabello, he wanted revenge he wanted to destroy him. He instantly felt guilty for having such strong feelings for the daughter of the ruthless man that killed his mom. He couldn't, he needed to take a hold onto his feelings and at his heart.  Anyways what was he even expecting, Camila would be just like her father, she would probably use him to get information about his father. But he was over that shed of feelings he felt for him, he had to take his revenge in any way possible now, he can't let his heart take the decisions what his mind should.

With that in mind he headed to the isolated area in the west of Miami where the gang meetings were held.
Camila instantly made her way over to him as soon as she saw him. She smiled up at him but he just pulled up a blank stern look on his face. She immediately frowned as he totally ignored her presence and made his way over to Leila which was the daughter of one of Mark's trusted men.

It felt like a stab to her heart when Camila saw him laughing with Leila and the pain her chest kept increasing as she saw the girl touched his forearm in a flirty way and he let her.
"Camila" she startled at the voice of none other than her father.

"Yes dad." She answered forcing a smile in an attempt to hide her emotions.
"I won't tell you to move on or stop loving him but please be careful I don't want you to get hurt in the process." Her father said placing a comforting had on her shoulder.

She just nodded and passed him a genuine smile before tightly hugging him.
"You're da best." She said giggling.
Her father pressed a soft butterfly kiss on her forehead before pulling away.

Camila went to where Shawn was standing and wow just wow he wouldn't even look at her. She cleared her throat but still he won't look at her. Why was he doing this to her, to her damned heart who clearly belongs to him and won't just stop loving him with everything she had. Her heart was too childish and delicate to know words like move on.

She really thought that after all that happened only the last day he would see her like he used to before already feel something for her but nothing. He just treated her like she meant nothing to him like she was just one of his mistakes, a drunken one. Like she wasn't the same girl whom he had kissed countless times, the girl that was his first love and whom he promised will be his forever. But along with her his memory had also erased all the precious promises he had made to her. He promised her that he would make his back to her, even if he had forgotten she still remembered every touch along with our every shiver that ran down her spine because of those touches. She remembers every I love you and along with it she knows how meaningful they really were. She remembers everything even is he doesn't.

"You're gonna stand here like a dummy or even say something." Leila nudged her shoulder pulling her out of the web her feelings and the fucking reality had created.

"Shawn" Camila said as finally he did look at her but as soon as she saw the look in his eyes she felt like just breaking down and burying herself in a place where no one would ever find her. The eyes once filled with love for her were now completely empty.

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