The teen squealed and approached the guard directing his attention away from the two males as they snuck around the floor looking for Mariko's cell.

"This place is so fucking huge how many prisoners do you think they're gonna have?" he muttered irritatedly.

He walked down the rows of mostly empty cells. Every once in a while he would come across someone. They would call out to him for help, but he always ignored them- they weren't who he was looking for.

After searching for over a half-hour, the ravenette grit his teeth in frustration. "Where is she? Was she moved while crazy girl was finishing the mission?" he wondered. He'd been so lost in thought; he'd passed Mariko's cell accidentally. He caught himself though. In his peripheral he noticed a familiar head of brown hair leaning against the wall of a cell. Immediately he backtracked and sighed at finally finding the soldier.

Dabi wasn't a doctor by any means, but even he could tell something was seriously wrong with her. For one thing, she was covered in stab wounds, and her arm and leg were bent at odd places indicating they were broken. Mariko's face was flushed, and her forehead was beaded with sweat despite the fact that she didn't have a shirt or bra on. She was surrounded by used gauze and medical supplies. He cringed when he noticed the burn marks layered on top of some of the stab wounds. He knew all too well what it felt like to burn yourself alive. "Fuck." He whispered. He had to get her out of there.

Looking around the area, the cell didn't seem to have a trigger. There was no keypad, no device that controlled whether the cell opened. He couldn't even find a door. There was just an incredibly thick glass panel that separated them. Needing to find a way to get her out though, the male tapped the glass, grabbing the brunette's attention.

Never had the ravenette seen someone who looked so relieved to see him. Her eyes drooped with exhaustion and her muscles visibly relaxed.

"You alive?" he asked, trying to make light of the situation.

"I'll let you know when we get away from this place," she told him.

Dabi nodded and gestured towards the cell, "Any clue how to open this shit?"

Mariko nodded, "The guard had a remote. You'll have to take it off of him. There was another guard here that he changed with, but he didn't have one I could see. Don't know where the other one is."

"That doesn't help in the slightest," he commented. The easiest thing to do would be to bring Kurogiri here and open a portal so that she could go through it. Portal jumping was taxing though and seeing her condition it was best to do it as little as possible.

"Just melt the glass, property damage isn't a concern here," she said, not bothering to mask the bitterness in her voice.

The brunette rolled her eyes, "It's too easy a punishment for the shit she put me through," she spat.

He nodded in agreement, "Yeah you look like shit."

Mariko laughed humorlessly and gestured for him to start melting the glass.

"Let's hope this doesn't trigger an alarm."

"If it does, Kurogiri can just teleport us all out right?" she asked.

Dabi didn't answer and concentrated on his palms as he activated his quirk. His palms glowed bright blue and he placed his hand on the glass, watching as it started to heat up. Immediately a loud alarm began to blare throughout the floor. He cursed and hoped they had enough time for him to melt a large enough hole for her to go through before people started showing up.

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