Chapter 5 & 6

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For some odd reason wattpad was not allowing me to publish chapter 5 so this is a 2 in 1 chapter so get your popcorn.


"You should have seen her face, her eyes were the size of a saucer pan!" I heard someone said followed by some persons giggling uncontrollably and I immediately knew who it was. As I was rounding the corner to the kitchen my steps slowed until they came to a halt as I listened with my back pressed to a wall to the people who were making fun of me. They all knew how much I feared werewolves in general and yet they made fun of me all the same.

"I could never get how she's so fidgety all the time, its like she's always ready in case someone was ready to pounce on her" Aurora continued.

But if only they knew.

"Hey! I wouldn't mind sneaking up on her and giving her the scare of her life just to see her reaction" Someone chimed in with so much enthusiasm it made me want to go in there and smack it right back down the persons throat.

"Awe man that won't be fair..."

And I smiled internally at the thought of someone standing up for me.

"...we should both do it!" And all I heard after that was their throaty laughter. Anger was propelling my limbs and the tray that I was holding on to felt the pressure of my wrath as my nose flared and my breathing became abnormal.

"I honestly think she's exaggerating the whole thing-"

But I didn't even stay there to listen anymore of what they had to say. Turning on my heel, I pushed the double doors with so much force they collided with walls along with an unpleasant schreeching noise that had all heads turning there attention to the interruption. Instantly my nose was welcomed with the familiar scent of grease and spices but I didn't dwell on the simplicity's as my eyes scanned the room for the hypocrites, and when my eyes landed to where they were seated, I gave the most sadistic smile I could and walked over to where all 5 of them sat.

I looked into each of their eyes until mine and Aurora's made one and instantly I sucked in a breath to calm myself. There was so much intensity in my eyes that I saw her fidgeting slightly.

'Who's fidgety now huh'

My legs carried me until I finally stood infront of her with the same sadistic smile on my face of course .

"Oh hey Skyler, what brings you here?" She asked nervously while giving a guilty smile.

"Oh nothing really, just returning this tray" I countered sweetly.

"Uh...o-ok" she said while turning her attention back to the group, who was awfully quiet all of a sudden.

"Soooo...what are you all doing here, early break?" I asked calmly.

"Well-nothing really just talking..."

"Oh yea... I forgot, y'all were talking about me" I spoke with sarcasm while slapping my forehead in the process.

They all looked at each other ,with what I could say was surprise and embarrassment and I saw when Aurora visibly gulped.

"We were just-"

"Making fun of me, I get it totally..." I interjected before Aurora could even finish her sentence.

"But you know what I don't the fact that someone died just less than 24 hours and y'all have the audacity to sit here and talk behind my back instead of mourning at the loss of a fellow worker." I continued as I began to lose my cool. "How about you talk about how scared she must have been when she was being sent to the Alpha's room when she was not even a mistress of that sort-

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