Chapter 9

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Darkness blanketed the woods in a suffocating grip. Even though the sun hadn't set in west around these time the thick canopy let no light filter in as I walked under the bladder brown trees while my feet caressed the muddy flesh of the forest ground. No sane person was to be walking this endless woods at this hour of the day. It was when the creatures of the night were at their strongest.

My heart pounded against my skull with every crunch and snapping of a dried leaf or branch, that had me whipping my head  in the direction  for any danger. Whenever I think it wasn't any threat I'd continue my speed walk towards the estate.

The sound of the critters indicated there wasn't anything to be too worried about while I passed trees that stared at me like silent sentries. The further I walked the more it became difficult to see where I was going and while the forest robbed me of one sense it heightened the others.
I literally took two more steps then everything became pin drop silent. The air around me became stuffy and my hands reached out to touch the naked skin of a nearby tree. Overhanging limbs gripped my shoulders the further I walked pulling me back, but I had no idea of the dangers that lurked up ahead.

Ever so slowly I walked with caution even though apart of me knew that I strayed from the right path long ago but felt too stupid to accept that fact. The more I walked the stronger I was hit with an arid odour, and instantly halting in my tracks. The scent kicked and  hung from everywhere and no sooner I started to pinch my nose when it became unbearable. My eyes burned from not sqinting, and just as you've guess, I was lost in the deepest darkest and most dangerous part of the forest.

To my left I heard a chomping sound, that had my heart picking up speed, and the longer I looked the wider my eyes bulged with fright with the grotesque sight ahead of me. Flesh ripping from bones carved itself in my memory as I watched trolls chewing and chomping on red meat,bile rose to my throat and had to swallow hard to stop it. It was a teeth gritting experience that I would never forget.

I bit my tongue with nervousness and the metallic taste of blood filled my mouth. Stealthily I turned on my heel and walked away in the other direction,praying to not get their attention.

Through the thick trees I glimpsed a blinding light, and I smiled widely when the view of the estate came into view, but slowly wiped off of my face when I realized that the headmaster might have sent me out here to actually die. With a new found determination I followed the light, I can't wait to see his face when I come back alive and well.

A chilly wind almost knocked me off my feet and I could have sworn something flashed pass me to my right. My eyes moved instead of my head, I should be use to this by now, since I've been walking for almost two hours and I've imagined things that were not actually there, but why did this instance feel so strange. Cold sweat washed me as I gazed at the silhouette of a man concealed in the murky shadows of a tree's massive vines. He stood there like a statue and the more I stared the more my brain was beginning to think it was just the vines that shaped themselves into a man.

Releasing a shaky breath I began to walk again, my racing heart convinced it was just the vines calmed itself. However when I stopped and took one last glance, my heart caught in my throat and everything went on a stand still.

The man was gone!

I backed further away until my back pressed against something firm, I went to release a scream but large rough hands slithered its way up my mouth and slammed me against a nearby tree roughly knocking the air out of my body. Familiar sparks danced its way at every part where skin touched skin and instantly I knew who was there with me.

Looking up I was met with golden brown eyes that glared at me with baleful eyes, a sort of calmness coursed through my vein the longer I stared at him.

"You know what I don't get...they chose you out of every other creature there is...pathetic" he spat  as his eyes hardened even more finally prying his hand from my mouth.

"I dont- I don't understand" I said softly while looking at anywhere but his face. There was this growing pull I felt the more I looked at him and I didn't like it one bit.

"I know you wouldn't, but I must say I'm quite disappointed and impressed with this bold move that they've made" he said while assessing me from head to toe. "But I'll never let down my guard. I know what your little plan come off as a little weak, fragile human that no one would ever suspect so you could spy on me then report back to them, but let me tell you you ignorant fool, I'm no ordinary wolf and nothing you or them have planned will ever work on me". He said terrifyingly.

"And that little trick they pulled, setting you up with that weak bond, to think you have me fooled won't cut it either, besides that witch did an awful job at trying to get at me if you ask me" He continued while I just stared at him with my mouth wide open as he continued to accuse me of something I have no idea about.

The anger was just radiating off his body in waves that slapped me across my face. Seems as if being accused of something I never did became my life nowadays, but that doesn't mean I won't speak up, even though everything belittling thing he said about me hurt to the core.

"I have no idea what yo-you talk of sir, the witch came to me, but she-"

"Oh so there is a witch!" He interjected as if proud of his own assumptions.

"I don't know her at all, I didn't associate-"

"Shut up!" He said infuriated.

"So they tried making you my artificial mat-" he cut himself off as he turned away and looked into lands while running a hand through his locks and then letting out an evil chuckle.

"Just as I thought" he seethe while training his gory eyes terrifyingly at me. "And you, how stupid can you be giving yourself away like that, you just proved all my assumptions, every other creature that have dared to cross me had guts but you, you're the most useless of them all" he preached eyes blazing with fury.

I couldn't take it anymore, first he accused me and now belittled me. I racked back and forth as my head started to hurt and my vision got blury. He spoke in parables, none of which I understood, that's probably the meanest thing anyone has ever said to mein my life.

" I swear to you alpha, I don't- don't know any of which you speak of, please, please I beg of you...don't hurt me" I pleaded with begging eyes.

"Oh I'm not going to hurt you..."

And I thank my lucky stars for being with me today.

"Thank yo-"

"I'm going to do much worst than that, I'm going to kill you" he threatened. From his stoney expression I knew he was not bluffing and honestly I just  couldn't move, all parts of me went on lockdown.

His claws elongated, then like the predator he is, he took slow steady step towards me his cold gaze never faltering. My chest heaved up and down while my legs felt like jello under me. So this was it. Within arms length I saw when his  arms stretched then clasp around my slender neck in a choke hold while he strangled me to death. Black dots consumed me as I was wrapped unconscious.

Heyyyy guyss
So honestly I must say, this has to be my favorite chapter yet, I really enjoyed writing this.

Spoiler alert: she's not actually dead so stop the pity faces, she passed out before he could do anything to her.

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