Chaper 12

378 24 47

Ares P.O.V

I burst through the double doors of my office with Cyrus hot on my trail. I had returned to my pack couple hours ago and I could tell that some of the members were quite surprised when I unexpectedly showed up unannounced.

"You cannot be serious" Cyrus asked deadpan.

I walked around my desk and took a seat in my office chair. When I was comfortable enough, I looked at him while raising a brow, indicating that I was being dead serious.

"You cannot suspect that that girl is working for a witch" he scoffed while rolling his eyes and plopping down onto a nearby couch.

"I'm not suspecting anything, she admitted to having met one, hence confirming my suspicion". I growled while shotting him a glare. Cyrus knew all too well not to object against my judgment but he still went along and did it anyway.  And if he wasnt my beta his guts would have been on the floor by now.

"Well have you tried asking her the name of the witch?" He asked condescendingly.

"If I didn't, do you think I'd be sitting here chatting with you? Of course I did, but she's not speaking and I think its probably the witch's doing though" I said irritated. Since I've gotten here Cyrus hasn't stop bugging me about that girl,  and just the thought of her made my chest rumble in displeasure. Pathetic.

"Well what if she genuinely doesn't know" he said calmly, almost as if he's testing the waters. When I didn't show any signs of disapproval he contined.

"What if she really is your mat-"

"Enough!" I commanded while angrily slamming my fists on the table. My eyes were burning with fury as I glared holes at him but he just sat there looking at me smuggly. He was used to my usual outburst but he knew that certain topics were sensitive to me.

"Seriously Cyrus, sometimes I wonder if you ever shut the hell up" I groaned while spinning around in my chair to stare out my ceiling to floor glass window. But he just chuckled.

"You and I both know I dont have a mate" and I was surprised at the undertone in my own voice. But how  do I explain the connection that I feel towards her, and why did I react the way I did when I first laid eyes on her? Don't get me wrong, there wasn't any physical attraction just merely a pull. I felt when something inside me stir. Its probably the witch's doing, I reassured darkly.

I heard him sigh, one I have gotten use to hearing over the years.

"So what are you planning on doing to that rogue you've captured?" He asked changing the subject and I swivelled around in my chair to face him as the mention of rogues had my thoughts turning tyrannical. It was quite surprising to see so many rogue wolves traveling together and if that doesn't scream suspicious then I don't want to know what isn't. It was almost as if they were expecting us.

"The usual, torture him until he's at the brink of death and when we get what we want, we blow out his candle" I answered darkly.

"You're one evil bast-"

A knock resonated throughout my office and even before the person identified themself I knew who it was.

"Come in Dr. Alexander"

I watched as he walked in with a clipboard in his hand, in his usual attire, with a warm smile plastered on his lips.

"Hello my Alpha, the girl that you brought, she's doing well. She has gained conciousness, the wounds were not too deep, however I did give her a few stiches. I have already discharged her and I do recommend she get lots of rest and stay off her feet since that can open up her wounds" he recommended and I just gave a nod.

"Ok doctor, bring her to my office" I commanded rather darkly and I hadn't realize I used more of my Alpha-command until I saw the slight shiver that passed through the doctor's body.

I weaved my fingers through eachother and rested them on the desk, I felt eyes boring into my skin and when I looked over at Cyrus, he was smiling sickeningly at me with a mischievous glint. Before I could ask him why the hell he was smiling like that, I heard rapid beating of someone's heart. And I knew just who it belonged to.

I tried not to suck in a breath when the doorknob turned and Dr. Alexander walked in while she followed short after. Instantly my nose was wafted with a faint vanilla scent followed by a pull at something inside me. Definitely not my heart. I let my eyes unashamedly wander over her frail body and for a fleeting moment I felt annoyed at the fact that someone as weak as her could possibly be my mate. I could tell she was avoiding my eyes because of the way she cast her eyes down to the floor and for some reason it irked me. When I saw the doctor leading her to an opposite couch to sit, something in me ticked.

"Did I ask you to sit?" I said unrepentantly. And from the corner of my eyes I heard Cyrus scoff , I knew he wasn't expecting my choice of words but what did he expect me to do, act nice? The tension in the room went up to a 1000 and before I could say anything the doctor came to her defence.

"But Alpha she shouldn't be-"

"Thats enough Doc, you may leave now" I said in a controlled tone leaving no room for objections. With a gulp he quickly dismissed himself leaving an uncomfortable silence behind.

Her eyes finally met mine and I felt a sort of intensity zip through me, but then she quickly looked away then it was gone leaving me completely bereft.

"From now on you will be staying here as my personal slave, you will not take orders from any other werewolf neither are you allowed to converse with them. You will work each and everyday without pay, until I decide otherwise, do I make myself clear?" I said uncaring as I watch her face fall after every word.

"Yes sir" she answered gloomily.

"Ok another servant will show you to your quarters-"

"I will show her!" Cyrus volunteered and before I could interject he already had his hand draped over her shoulders and leading her out the door and I just watched annoyed at the both of them. When he was almost out the door he poked his head back in and gave me the stink eye, but I just shot him another glare.

Letting out a sigh I swivelled around in my chair and stared out in the distance. Cyrus was going to make this hard on me. Sitting there with nothing but my thoughts I watched as birds flew to their nest as daylight faded into twilight. If I learned that Skyler is working for just another ordinary witch then I would let her free, I let what I said simmer for a while as I felt something in me clench at the thought of setting her free. But if she was working for her then the situation will be much more complicated. And I pray its not the latter.

"I pray its not Mariposa" I whispered.

Ok so first question, how yall like Cyrus so far?
I really hope this chapter cleared up any confusion you all had.
I really wanna finish this book at the end of this month with at least 30 chapters.
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Stay safe
Stay blessed

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