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It was getting harder to breathe as I sat there stunned at what she just said, and to be quite honest I wasn't even supposed to be surprised considering that everyone knew Ares was cursed, but in the back of my mind I always thought it was a made up innuendo to get people to fear him. So hearing her confirm it was in fact true was completely and utterly frightening.

My body went shrill and even though my mind was still intact, I was unable to think clearly or even focus. I felt myself sway slightly, losing my equilibrium.

"But isn't that only a rumor?" I asked disoriented even though it came out more of a defeated statement as my voice trembled with trepidation.

In a way, I was sort of a hypocrite, because even though I was mated to a seemingly unworldly man, that was able to haul and pull darkness everywhere he went, I swallowed the bitter pill with a hard gulp and fought firmly to let it settle.

But this new piece of information, also came with another bitter pill and my mind and body was not ready to mingle with the idea, and even though it was painfully agonizing to admit, in the end I saw myself overdosed with unforeseen forthcomings.

Her back was facing me, and slowly and languidly, she twist her neck over her shoulder and pinned me with her gaze. A smile stretched across her face which shone like headlights over a broad ditch of water, and even though it was supposed to be pleasant, I found it enigmatic and uncanny.

"Rumors are based on the truth, and truth is the foundation where all, if not most rumors are erected. So if there wasn't a bedding would there be anything to even build on?" She asked, while answering my question with a question of her own. I realized that when she spoke, her words would lead me close to possibly providing answers of my own

"You have a point, but how do I know you're not lying, its obvious you don't realize you're in no position for me to trust anything that comes from your mouth" I said while narrowing my eyes at her suspiciously.

If she thought I was going to run with everything she said then she was in for something completely different.

"And you know what's funny, you knowing my name but I have no idea what your name is, and it doesn't help to know you're following me" I continued.

Initially, I must say it was quite stupid of me to even follow her, but I was merely blinded by frustration, and the need for cognitive empathy was eating me up after being locked up for so long. I guess Ares didn't lie when he said I had a tendency of acting without thinking.

She fully turned her frail body around so that she was facing me and entwined her fingers while tipping her head to the side. Her tongue moved across her bottom lip, in such a way that it looked like she was making a lubricant for the words that prepared to slide out her mouth.

"I am Anna, and I merely go where the wind directs me, but I must say, you amaze me Skyler,you're a strange and nebulous girl that seems to have this aura that draws danger to you everywhere you go and it fascinates me" she said in a calm, unhurried voice and I scoffed while rolling my eyes. She cannot be serious.

If I was strange then she was a rat with two tails that could talk, and that too with an annoying lisp. All in all, she was the only strange one here.

"And I am a witch after all, and nothing but the truth comes from our tongue, so when I said Ares is cursed I didn't lie, however what we hear, believe and accept are all different matters isn't it? She defended and I was forced to think there was an ambiguous meaning behind her message.

Just like how I heard Ares didn't have a mate but here I am.

I sat there uncomfortably getting strangled by my perplexing thoughts. If Ares was cursed, and that too by a witch then, oh my God. A slow crawling idea made its way up my leg then to my brain as my eyes widened with a sudden alarm and I flew up from my seat. Bitterness seeps into my voice as I said.

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