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After cursing the crazy witch out and telling her to stay the hell away from me after her crazy prediction, I finally went back to Ares' place hoping he wasn't back yet.

Upon approaching the deck area, I saw that the blood splattered hadn't miraculously remove from the door like those darn birds that had creepily risen from the dead.

I was putting away the cleaning supplies then headed to the kitchen to wash my hands at the sink after which I grabbed a piece of paper towel to dry them. My actions were sort of rush as I wanted to hurry up and go to my room. I didn't want to come face to face with him tonight.

I turned on my heel about to walk away when I released a piecing scream.

"Are you going to kill me!" I yelped, completely taken off guard. He was literally standing less than a foot behind me, staring down at me blanky and expressionless.

His legs were equal distance apart, standing fierce and dignified all at once. The white shirt that he wore was crisp and fastidious making him look even more appealing yet his muscles seemed stiff and tensed.

"Do not leave this house for the remainder of the week" he said alluringly in a tone of finality then turned to leave.

His voice caused a weird but tingly sensation to erupt inside of me and as he was walking away from me I got a wiff of his delicious scent that sent waves of glee throughout my body however the autocratic way he just demanded I stay here pissed me off.

"Excuse me?" I asked, my tone walking in a line between bitterness and incredulity.

"Does it look like I'm in your way?" He countered flatly.

"You said I had specific days that I could leave and now you're saying I should stay here for the rest of this week, you cannot take back your words and I strongly disapprove of this without a proper explanation as to why" I almost shouted infuriated.

Probably next week he'll tell me I cannot go out for the rest of the month, then after that month is over he'll tell me I cannot leave for the rest of the year and then before you know it, I'll be restricted to staying here for the rest of my life.

He halted in his tracks then turned his neck towards me, giving me a dangerously sharp look. His piercing stare locked on to me like a missile locked on its target and it was pleasuringly mind blowing.

"I have no interest if you approve or disapprove, my patience is limited unlike my authority which is perpetual". He said in a controlled tone with eyes blazing with jurisdiction.

I balled my fist in anger and I felt ice filling my veins.

"That is unless you're questioning my authority then I'll have no other option than to remind you who's in charge" he said sternly while taking a step forward however the effect I felt from his words were both tantalizing and alluring.

Who was I kidding, there is no way I or anybody in their right mind would question his authority. Not after what the witch had told me about him any way .

"Why must you always treat me like a four year old?" I asked with an undertone of sadness.

The burning gaze in his honey brown eyes began to fade away slowly, and they drifted from my face to stare out the window.

"Well maybe if you stopped behaving like four year old I wouldn't have to treat you as such" he answered bluntly and my irritation crackled.

It was clearly one of weaponized statements that got flung out to hurt and end conversations. If he was going to continuously treat me like a kid then I guess I'll have to start acting like one and lets see how he handles that because I have been nothing but compliant so far.

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