Chapter 16

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Ares P.O.V

Savage Gods, evil beast, messengers from hell, things, that transcends human understanding, I have encountered them all. But the ones I despised the most, were rogues.

Whether it be any species there is. A very cunning and problematic miscreant they were.

I had left Cyrus to take care of the rogue that I had captured the other day while I tried to get intel on any and every witch I could find in and around my pack, but the rogue was not talking and it would take a while to gather the witches.

The witch.

What are the odds of me finding out it's her, Mariposa?

Since, Cyrus wasn't getting anything out of that rogue, Im going to have to give him a special visit, and I will not leave until I get the answers that I need.

My shoes sloshed against the flesh of the concrete, aimlessly unavoiding water that oozed out of rivulets down the cavernous passageway that I walked, that led to a hollow dungeon. The same dungeon that housed that rogue.

The thing was, everytime I walked down this passageway, someone always end up dead.

"Talk!" I heard Cyrus' hollow scream followed by a barrage of punches. I was getting closer.

The pungent smell of his blood tainted the air followed by his prolonged high pitched wails. I finally reached the empty dungeon and there he was, bloodied and bruised. It was a delightful sight.

I leaned against the entrance and watched as Cyrus beat the living daylights out of the guy, but he was adamant in keeping his mouth shut. Typical rogues.

"I said talk, goddamit!" Cyrus shouted pissed. He raised his fist to land another blow to his face but stopped mid air.

"Enough Cyrus" I said calmly and in a controlled tone. He turned and looked at me and the rogue shakily lift his head to stare at me.

I was losing my patience, and I wasn't a patient wolf, better yet, I was far from patient. I undid the first 2 bottoms of my shirt then began to prowl over to where he sat chained up.

He began to squirm in discomfort in his chair as the chains that bound him clanked against there each other in the process.

He was terrified

But who wouldn't be, he was literally staring death right in the face.

"This can go one of 2 ways, either you tell me why you attacked me and attempted to kidnap..." I paused to think about what I was about to call her, no way I would address her as my mate.

"...that girl, and shorten you're torture session, or my beta here, continues to torture until he get the answers I need just the same" I threatened devilishly.

"Screw you" he spat tiredly as his head bobbed, he was passing out, and we couldnt have that could we.

"Cyrus get the wolfsbane" I ordered angrily as I gripped a handful of his hair and dragging his head far back. The bottled liquid was placed in my hand and I positioned it at the corner of his battered lips.

"We're going to try that again, or I'll be quenching your thirst with this wolfsbane right here. Why the hell did you attack me?"

"Alright! I'll tell you, but get that thing away from me please" he pleaded as his eyes got glossy and I almost felt sorry for him, not.

I pushed him away as me and Cyrus stood there waiting impatiently for him to speak up. He took a few sharp intakes of breath before he talked.

"We were given orders, we were just to create a distraction so that we could get the girl and retreat. We were aware of the casualties but we were willing to take them because he promised us freedom if we did it and was successful" he sputtered out.

"Freedom from who?" I asked disdainfully.

"Freedom from you" he replied maliciously.

"Well sorry to burst your bubble, but you're never going to get your freedom" I said with clenched teeth. I was slowly losing my cool with this guy, and it was taking alot out of me not to go over there and rip his throat out, with my teeth.

"Wait, but who is this he you talk about" Cyrus asked this time.

There was a very palpable tension in the room, as we waited for him to tell us what he knew.

"He goes by the name Crucelli" he preached as I frowned.

I saw when Cyrus turned and look at me, a frown forming between his brows. He was thinking the same thing I was.

"Why would the headmaster attack me and want to kidnapp Skyler"


When its not one thing its the other, first it was the witch, now its the headmaster. But in the end everything seemed to be slowly revolving around her, Skyler.

'Just what the hell was going on with her' .

For some reason, I think their ulterior motive is to use her as leverage against me and as much as I hate to say it, I feel as if I'm going to have to keep her safe at all cost, because she will not be the conduit for my complete and utter destruction.

"What are you thinking?" Cyrus asked. I stared at nothing in particular but then trained my eyes on him.

"Do you think its them finally coming back after years of silence?"

" I don't know man, this is the most we have seen in decades, and its hard to not suspect its them, but if it is, then I have a strong feeling the three of us can handle them" he said. I could never understand why Cyrus was so optimistic all the time. His optimism was almost heartwarming. But my heart was cold and no amount of warmness could melt my heart.

"Three?" I asked confused.

"You, me and Skyler, you dumbass" he said while rolling his eyes.

A shadow of a smile made its way to my face but there was no way I would make my common enemies become theirs.

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