Chapter 10

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"...I don't care what you wanna say Cyrus".

" ...being irrational! How am I being irrational?" What started out as just simple murmurs turned into full blown angry conversations. I slowly began to gain consciousness by someone pacing up and down on the tiled floor, and my eyes fluttered open to a familiar yet unfamiliar room.

"...yes I'm definitely going to cut this trip short!" He threatened.

"...I'm taking her with me" he continued.

At the sound of his voice I flew up but regretted it as a whif of pain travel its way to my head. I released a groan instantly while cushioning my head in my palm and waited for it to pass.

"... I'm not over thinking, she's coming with me and that's final!" He daunted. And finally I turned to see his outline on the balcony of his room. The room I was in. The room I was in! My mind took its own sweet time to process as everything from yesterday hit me like raging bull. The witch, the forest, the conversation with him and finally passing out, as what he said was too unbearable.

Truthfully everything that was happening was confusing and apart of me felt like my life was taking a turn, but a turn for the worst. As I watch him through the glass doors that separated my space from his, I couldn't help the tension along with traitorous excitement that was bubbling up inside me.

Did he bring me here?

His back was faced towards me and I swear, if he as much as looked in my direction my heart would flutter its way out of my chest.

No! Why am I thinking like this?

After what he accused me of yesterday!

Silently I stood up from the couch I was previously laid on while nervously twiddling my fingers. Questioning my sanity, I wondered if I was even suppose to stay since as I have woken up, and besides, I was still a slave who had duties to attend. Yea, I had duties to attend to so staying here was not an option.

Gathering the confidence, I took one last look at his back and finally walked off.

"Sit! Back! Down!"  He ordered just loudly enough for me to hear. When I turned and peaked over my shoulder his back was still turned to me, and I'm guessing it was his werewolf senses that picked up my movements but nevertheless I did what he said after he slightly craned his neck over his shoulder indicating that he was speaking to me.

"... I'll call you when I'm on my way back" he finished off the call with someone.

As I waited for him to address me, frantically my heart thundered against my ribcage. I sat tensly with my hands in my lap, a dire need for a distraction just to prepare me for what is to come.

I heard his faint footsteps, then the sliding of the glassdoors.

One step.

Two steps.

Three steps.


He stood less than 3 feet away from me and it took me a minute or two before I looked at him leaning against a table with his right leg crossed over his left. He wore a white dress shirt with the first two buttons undone while both his arms were folded in his pants pocket.

Dubiously I drawed my wandering eyes to his face and when our eyes met, my heart sank at the steely glare his eyes held.

"So...were you done eavesdropping?" He asked coldly. I could feel my light slowly dwindling each time he accused me of something so execrable and it was becoming infuriating.

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