Chapter 8

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We walked in silence behind him and the headmaster. Aurora and I were keeping our distance as warned by the headmaster, but I'm guessing it was because they didn't want us overhearing what they were speaking of.

Two maids were to accompany the Alpha at all times whether to provide refreshments or other necessities and unfortunately it had to be me and Aurora that were chosen.

"Hey" I heard her speak almost in a whisper. And I made it obvious that I didn't wanted to speak to her when I rolled my eyes and glared at nothing in particular ahead of me.

"Look, I'm really sorry about the things I said the other day..." When I made no attempt to acknowledge her she grabbed my arm and turned me to face her.

"Are you even listening to me?" She seethed. But all I did was stare at her nonchalantly.

"I know who you are Aurora, and I've seen enough of what that mouth of yours can do, you don't actually mean your stupid apology you just want to befriend me so you can know what happened between me and the Alpha yesterday so you can go and chat it off with your little crew. Do me a favor and leave me be" I said blatantly and uncaring.

I do agree that it came to the attention of many slaves and werewolves in the estate that something happened in the  Alpha's  room yesterday and while some werewolves might have heard the outburst, the slave population had no idea of what happened, except for me. After I ran from his room, viscious growls reverberated throughout the estate and that's when the headmaster came to his room then everything cooled down.

"Well I guess you're what did happen between you and the Alpha last night, everyone's surprised you're not dead" she taunted, while I halted in my tracks.

Honestly I was surprised too, and I'm really oblivious to why the alpha reacted the way he did yesterday,but one thing I was thankful for was that I'm alive.

"Do me a favor and don't speak to me, your voice is irritating enough" I huffed then walked away. She stood there glaring holes in my head for sometime before she walked off to catch up.

My whole body was tensed, I didn't wrong them for being surprised that I was still alive moreover the question that was ringing in my head was that he thought that I did something to him to put him in such agony yesterday. We were a good 10 feet from them and I just could stop staring at his broad back, the headmaster was nothing compared to him. He was much taller, muscular and even looked more sharper, anyone could tell he was an alpha by just looking at him.

The both of them slowed until they came to a stop. All I could see was their mouths moving and momentarily they would look at each other but I guess that's what werewolves do when they don't want to say important things in the open, who know there could be lurking ears anywhere.

Turning on there heels they began to walk the way they came, and my eyes widened at this. I squrried to the side to wait until they both pass and unfortunately I was at the side where he would pass me directly. With each step my heart hammered in my chest, I couldn't bring myself to look at him so I stared ahead as I kept my hand out in case he or the headmaster needed a towel to wipe their faces or a water bottle if they were thirsty.

He came to an abrupt stop between me and Aurora and I became overwhelmed with his orange pine scent. I don't know if he did it purposely but when I stretched my hand out to indicate if he wanted anything he totally dismissed my offer and took the towel from Auroras hand along with the water bottle.

Finding the  courage, I looked up from beneath my lashes and saw when he unscrew the cap and turned the whole thing to his head. I watched as his Adams apple bobbed up and down with every gulp he took, and I gulped too. His neck was so thick which showed in twining cords of muscles that led up to his prominent Sharpe jaw. What were the Gods thinking when they made this devilishly handsome man. He emptied the bottle and gave it back to Aurora who was visibly drooling beside me, and for the first time today his eyes met mine. But my heart clenched as it wasn't a gentle gaze but a hard cold glare. How typical of him. Not even five seconds passed and he looked away and continued walking. I looked over at Aurora and I was surprised to see the look on her face, was she...blushing?

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