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What an absolute bastard he was.

Talking to me like that.

I was enraged. He was as understandable as man trying to overcome a terrible stammer. My blood was at a simmer, but was gradually rising to boiling point. It was evident there was not a sense of reasoning when it came to him. Obviously I wasn't affected by his words, in fact, I didn't care at all.

But if I didn't care, then why did I feel this way?

As if I was unwanted, as if I was purposeless...

Yet if he didn't care then why did he save me from getting kidnapped by those rogues. Or why must I stay tucked behind these stupid hinged doors while the vampires were here? Was it that they were bad to be around, or did he just want to selfishly keep me to himself without them knowing he had a mate. I mean, werewolves tended to be very territorial around other species, especially when it came to their mates as far as I know.

A part of me felt certain that Ares didn't care about me, but my brain and mind was working against me, trying to convince myself that he did in fact felt a slither of concern, however the more I thought about it, the more I felt as if I was deluding myself, hoping for something that would never be.

I was incognizant of the fork that I was holding in my hand until it fell on the quartz counter top of the kitchen island I was sitting around, slapping me back to reality. The pancakes were untouched, and warmth had left their surface, taking my appetite along with it. They say that food could solve anything, but as I was looking at the pancakes, an image of his refined, sharp features popped up in my brain and that alone did it for whatever idea I had about eating.

"Stupid pancakes" I murmured irritated while eyeing them dissatisfied.

I was conflicted with the intensity of the strange hunger expanding slowly within me, but I was definitely not craving food. I desired something else, or rather, someone else. And it was like the more I was denied of him, the greater this insatiable hunger grew, leaving me starved and bitter.

If this was what indirect rejection felt like, then it was a real pain in the ass.

Slowly but surely, inch by inch, Ares was crawling his way underneath my skin making me itch with strange emotions that I have never experienced throughout in my lifetime. The thread that binds us together was strengthening, thickening and even if it was barely amorously I couldn't act blind on what I was feeling. However, like water being washed up on the shore, taking away the pebbles of my wrath, it simultaneously left behind residues of sadness at my crushing reality.

Because let's face it, Ares would never be with me, our relationship would be a misfit in this morbidly inhumane society.

My brain was hurting from thinking too much and my eyes were burning from the lack of sleep. I could feel my head bobbing as drowsiness crept over me; I guess I was finally going through the effects of not sleeping in the last 24 hours.

I was about to rest my head on the counter when the doorbell buzzed unexpectedly. I snapped my head in the direction of the entrance, any amount of tiredness fleeing from my body and the first person that came to my mind was Ares.

'Did he leave something?' A sudden thought crossed my mind and I got up from the chair I was sitting on and headed for the door with a fluttering heart and a tickling sensation in my stomach. I tried to control my breathing but that was apparently a laborious task, instead I fought to let my thoughts and expression become impassive. Because I swear if he uttered a single word to me I wouldn't hesitate to give him a piece of my mind.

I was blinded by the prospect of being near him again that I neglected the logical thoughts that were screaming at me inside my head. The closer I got, the harder my heart pumped, and almost like in slow motion, I saw when my left hand that was about to clasp around the knob of the door froze mid air.

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