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Time comes and goes like the rapids of a river, the same water cannot be touched twice, because it is carried by flows that will never pass again, however my time felt laminar, stagnant and unmoving. And it was absolutely maddening.

Two weeks have past, where I was living in the confines of a big house, that seemed to be getting smaller as the days go by. And I have yet to find out if I was still a slave or a prisoner of my own time. I felt myself going insane from boredom and with long intervals of dreadful sanity.

Majority of the time I was here by myself, and as soon as he came back from whatever he did, he was gone. And I know he only did that to make sure I was still here and didn't leave. But I also assumed that he was more than likely ignoring me.

He also made sure to always give me that intimidating stare before he would leave, the one that said 'leave this house and I'll show you what hell on earth is like'

But the funny thing was, no doors or windows were closed, they were all left open, as if he was daring me to go outside.

But not today.

I stood behind the entrance door eyeballing the handle, anticipating my next movements. Hesitance lingered in the air but I still stood there captivated by the idea of being outside. However the positives outweighed the negatives and I found myself gripping onto the knob and stepping through that door.

A sudden gush of wind embraced me as if it were applauding me for my bravery for leaving and assisted with pushing my legs forward, one after the other, and I had to wonder why I never thought about doing this sooner.

Taking in my surrounding, I realized that the house was completely isolated and was sitting on a hill by itself and seemed to be well hidden by very tall trees. It made me wonder if he even considered having social interactions with his peers.Everything about him just seemed so reserved.

Looking down and through some trees, I realized that the actual settlement of the pack was below the hill, and I would have to walk quite a distance to get there, and oh was I a bundle of nerves just thinking about doing so.

To my right, I saw a footpath and it wouldn't take a genius to know that it probably led to the bottom of the hill.

While going down, I made sure that no one could pick up that I was coming down the hill, I don't know, but the idea of people gossiping about a lone slave venturing down the hill where the Alpha's house was didn't quite sit right with me. And I didn't want to bring that stigma around all the time.

Or look like that type of slave.

Understanding dawned on me and I realized that no one should conclude that I, was in any way involved with their Alpha if I was going to try and fit in and neither did I want to attract unwanted attention.

The aim was to explore, what life in the pack was like, then return without him knowing.

Sounds blisteringly simple enough right?

As I was approaching the bottom of the hill, I could clearly see both slaves and werewolves casually going about their daily lives and I just stood there watching in awe and disbelief. This obviously wasn't what I was use to or expected life here to be like. But then again that man was so unpredictable.

I made my way across an open field getting lost in the sea of people and completely mesmerized at how industrialized everything was. The environment gave off a sort of warm and welcoming aura, that had me wanting to indulge more in exploring to further satisfy my curiosity. I was so busy taking everything in, I forgot to look where I was going and collided with someone and the two of us went tumbling down.

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