That Game We Call High School(17) - Part One

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That Game We Call High School

Chapter Seventeen (Part One)

Right or Wrong


Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice.

From what I've tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire.

But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate

To know that for destruction ice Is also great

And would suffice.

Fire and Ice by Robert Frost


My body froze as my eyes widened. The building was almost empty now, about ten or twelve lingering about; buying T-shirts and such. "I-I.. Uh.." I stuttered, unable to manage a complete sentence. Had Liam Mathers just asked me to be his girlfriend? Why would he want me to be his girlfriend? Ever?

"W-why?" I finally stuttered out.

He wagered something for a moment, then looked at me. "You don't take advantage that your family is pretty rich. You're not a nerd in school, like everyone would expect you to be. You're actually kind of bad at it.." I chuckled, it was true. I had a couple C's, B's, and a few A's. School wasn't my best subject.. "But when you're singing, or just listening to music, you get so.. Into it. Then, you don't like that regular pop crap. And your two favorite shows aren't 'Hannah Montana' or something like that."

"How did you know Roseanne and The Nanny are my two favorite shows?" I asked, trying to remember if I had ever told him before.

"You can just tell, Khloe." He provided. I just nodded. "So? Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

One thing was for sure: Liam had never asked anyone to be his girlfriend before. That meant he must really like me. But what if he hurt me again, like he used to? A majority of the memories I have was him making fun of me with his friends. Had I really broken through Liam?

Could I really take the risk?

Breathing in and out, I looked up and into those odd mint-blue eyes that I'd grown so used to.. Over the past week or so. Key word being week. One. I licked and bit my bottom lip, breathed again, then spoke, "Liam.. I don't know if I can bare it." His face fell slightly. "I know I asked you to prove it, but that was if you were sorry. Not if it would make me become convinced that you were good enough to be my boyfriend." I shook my head.

"What are you saying, exactly?" He asked sad and pleadingly.

I swallowed, looking away from those sad eyes. "I'm saying.. I don't know if I can trust you. What happens if we get together and you cheat on me?" I raised my eyebrows at him. He looked away, biting his lip. Apparently he was questioning the same thing. "You're going to forget me soon, anyways. All I wanted was one good night, okay? Which was tonight. We saw a concert, we had fun, took picture.. It was great."

He nodded. "So, what happens now?"

"We go back to the motel, get our stuff, and drive home." I said, lightening the mood with a smile. He smiled a small smile in return, taking my hand, and leading us out of theater.

Though, when Liam started the car, I could faintly hear him mumble, "I could never forget you."


I yawned, running a hand through my straightened hair. My locker was just in view when someone tripped me from my right. I fell down, sprawling all over the floor; along with a few of my books. No, it was just too early for this. And a freaking Monday. Had I not mentioned before that Mondays, mornings, and I just did not cooperate together?!

Looking up sleepily, I saw my sister standing over me, smirking. Behind her stood Lisa, the blonde from the cafeteria, and the blonde's followers. I rolled my eyes, and got up on my knees, gathering my things. Something sharp hit me in the ribs, making me gasp and cling to my side. I looked over again, only to see that my sister was wearing some hot pink, pointed-toed high heels. I hissed at the pain, but kept gathering my things.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw that she was about to kick again, so I responded by cringing away slightly; prepared for the blow this time. But, instead of pain crashing into my side, another shadow hovered over my left. "Get away from her." A low and familiar voice warned. I knew that voice.. But from where?

"Aw, c'mon. She's just a loser." I heard my sister's pathetic and flirty voice come through.

"No, she's not a loser. Not in the slightest." The voice said again, then bent down near me. I looked up; only to see Danny kneeling beside me. I smiled and jumped to hug him. Oh my gosh, he came to my rescue?

He chuckled, then pulled back from our hug, "You okay, Khloe?" I nodded, biting my lip. I am now, I thought as I looked into his warm brown eyes.

There was a 'huff' from behind me, causing me to turn around from curiosity. My sister glared daggers at me. Hey, she said she wanted Liam. She never said Danny was off limits. I smirked, that's what she got. I grabbed all of my things, placed them into my bag, then stood up alongside Danny. "Thanks." I said to Danny sweetly. He just smiled and nodded, walking with me to my locker.

It didn't hit me until I looked up to the person standing next to my locker.


When he looked up at me, he smiled brightly. But, it didn't take him long until he noticed Danny. His smiled faded as he looked from me, to Danny, and back to me. His eyes grew sad and full of jealousy. Oh no, Liam. Don't be sad.

I looked to Danny, barely saying 'See you later.' before I sprinted up to Liam; who was now walking away. "Liam?" I whispered, forgetting about everyone else around us. All that mattered was Liam, and how I possibly hurt him. Sure, he hurt me for a long time. But, he was my friend now. And I didn't have the heart to make him feel pain in any way. "Liam, please answer me."

I saw him swallow, but he kept walking. Finally, I couldn't stand it anymore. I stopped him, gripping each of my hands on his shoulders. I looked into his eyes, his odd eyes that I loved. "Liam, what am I to do?" I whispered. "Even if I did date you, a crap load of people would hate me. Not that I'd care. But how do I know that you wouldn't care about all of the teasing, of all of the girls flirting more and more with you; trying to break us up. Even you, yourself couldn't promise me that you wouldn't cheat."

Sighing, I looked down, then back up to Liam. "Danny and I are not.. He's not my boyfriend." I couldn't say 'dating', that would technically be a lie. Danny and I are still making plans about going on that date that we never got to go on.

Liam's expression lightened, making me smile. "Okay." He said softly. I let down my arms, followed by him taking my hand. This had become a usual kind of thing for us.

When I saw Danny at my locker, though, he didn't seem too pleased with it.

Oh boy..


Sorry it's really short guys!! And sorry for the late upload!!

Originally, I had written it to where Khloe said yes to Liam.. But then I decided today to rewrite it to where she said no, since I was brain blocked with her saying yes. This was seemed to work a LOT better, and put a bit more of a twist on things.

Team Liam or Team Danny? Why?

Thanks so much for reading, voting, and commenting! Five more votes and we'll have more votes AND comments compared to my most read book!! =O Thanks so much(:

Please comment/vote/retweet/like! 

PS - Opinions about the quote and song?(:

PSS - Anyone else addicts to Cold:WaW; Nazi Zombies? I am! Snow day today = 6-8 hours of playing it on xbox live(: JUST BTW!

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