That Game We Call High School(14)

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That Game We Call High School

Chapter Fourteen



Have you ever notice, some things are actually infinitive? Not love, and stuff like that. I'm talking about.. When someone goes, "Today is Opposite Day." Well, if the day is truly Opposite Day, then wont they mean the opposite of what they just said, then the opposite of that, the opposite of that, etc..

When someone says, "Never mind. First is last, now." Well, first switches with last, yes? They end up being first and last again, switching, switching, switching..

Infinitive meanings go unnoticed, but are simple as ever.

Unlike most things in life.


It was Friday, and the final bell was about to ring. Liam and I were glancing at each other, not even paying attention to the Chemistry lesson as we were grinning like idiots. I was looking at the clock as the seconds seemed to tick away like hours. There was only about a half of a minute left, but it still felt like forever. 

Ten... Nine... Eight.. Oh my gosh did the clock just stop?! Oh, no it didn't.. Five.. Four.. Three.. Two..

Even though I had been anticipating this moment all week, I still jumped when the bell rang. Gathering all of my things, I sprinted out of the classroom before anyone could stop me. Not even the Friday mobs in the hallways could bum me out. 

Jake was waiting at my locker. Him and I actually started talking like human beings during the last couple of days. Can you believe that? He sent me a two-fingered wave, then looked over my head; causing me to turn around. Liam was walking - no, jogging - up to me. 

"Ready to go see Kerli flippin' Koiv?" Liam asked once he had reached me.

"Ah," I said, observant. "I see you've taken up my use of the world 'flip'." I smirked, rolling my eyes as I noticed his blush. "Don't worry about it. Let's go talk to Jake and see if the plan's still in check." I said, nodding my head towards Jake. Liam and Jake weren't the best of friends, they both only agreed with this plan because it made me happy. Ha, I'm awesome.

Jake barely spared Liam a glance, then looked at me again. "So what's up?" He asked casually, leaning against my locker. Girls in the hall were obviously checking him out, one winked at me then looked over to Jake; suggesting that him and I liked each other. Ew. That's my freaking brother!

Shrugging, I answered, "Hippies and airplanes. The seven mile high club. The earth compared to other stars below us. I could answer that question all day." Liam chuckled beside me, Jake smiled a bit. "Is the plan still all good?"

He nodded. "Perfect. And don't worry," He assured me when he saw my worried face. "I'll cover for you incase Psycho Sister or our parents decide to get nosey." The other day I had told Jake about my thought to call Jessica, and it just stuck. I sighed, nodding with a smile. Nothing and no one would ruin this.

"Now, would you mind moving away from my locker?" I asked rhetorically. Jake chuckled as he nodded and moved out of the way. Quickly, I turned the dial of my locker combo, threw my unneeded crap into my locker (Yes, I call it crap. That's what school stuff is. Crap.), took out what I would need, and slammed my locker door shut. Throwing my bag over my shoulder, I looked to Jake. "Ready to go?" He nodded.

"I'll see you at seven." Liam said, making me look back. I smiled and nodded. Kerli Koiv. This was a once in a lifetime chance and I couldn't give it up. I wouldn't.

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