That Game We Call High School(3)

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That Game We Call High School

Chapter Three

High School Never Ends


Have you ever really thought about reality? When they say that high school never ends.. They're not kidding. People still care about the same stuff, they're just older versions of those 'drop-out druggies', 'Daddy's girls' and, who could forget, the 'I'm-going-to-be-an-all-star-but-failed jocks'. They're just hitting their stardom in high school.

But, just wait.

The nerds will be back for their revenge. As YOUR BOSS!


Calypso waved me over to her locker. We had come to school a bit earlier than usual, making me yawn in protest. My eyelids were drooping and I stumbled at every step. I didn't have time to straighten my hair that much, so it was just up in a messy bun, my dark brown slanted bangs hanging over my face. In such a hurry this morning, I barely had time to squeeze into my black skinny jeans, lavender tank, black off-the-shoulder shirt, and lavender converse. Gotta look my best, right? Sure, that's it.

How did Calypso look so amazing at freaking 7:15 in the morning?! Part of her dirty blonde hair was drawn back in strands of lazy curls, her dark green eyes popping out against simple eyeliner and her tanned skin. She had on a regular black Tee and lime green skinny jeans, with black converse. Calypso looked absolutely stunning, even in a simple outfit. She didn't have a boyfriend.. Yet. The wait wouldn't last long though..

She ran up to me and smacked me, hard. Caressing my now pulsing left cheek, I starred at her wide-eyed. "What the flip was that for?!"

She shrugged simply, as if it was no big deal. Please, Calypso could make a murder look like no big deal. But.. We weren't murdering anyone. Which had me convinced that she had everything under control. "Now let's get moving!" She hissed. "We have to get to the gym to set it up before he does!" Liam was always in the gym every morning - making out with his flavor of the day. Yeah, you know how normal players had 'flavors of the week's? Well, he had days

Why wasn't he beaten up yet?! Or expelled?! Oh yeah: He never got caught. Stupid freaking.. There were no words powerful enough to describe how I incredibly loathed Liam Mathers. 

Suddenly, a strange thought popped into my head. You know how people called people named William, 'Bill'? Or even just 'Will'? Then why had people started calling them by 'Liam'? It made no sense. Sure, it was the last four letters of your name. But, if that was the case with me, I'd be called Hloe. And take a couple letters from that.. Not something you want people calling you. Though, it wouldn't be the first time. Why would someone even call you that, knowing you're that little loner loser that only had a hand full of friends? Ones that were made fun of as well? The world may never understand teenagers.

In fact, I'm positive they never will.

Up until now, I hadn't realized Calypso had been practically dragging my absentminded body by my forearm to the gym. I had no idea what Calypso had been planning, but I had a feeling that I was going to find out very soon. An evil Calypso-signature grin was already tugging at the corner of her lips, still leading me towards the coach's room in the gymnasium. There was a 'click' of the door locking, as she brought out a microphone. She hooked the cord into the wall, tapping into the school's system. This just wasn't fair. I had the most gorgeous, most fabulous smart blonde as a best friend while, here I was.. Having said fabulously smart blonde head in for revenge on a guy that had made fun of me since the beginning of high school. This sucked. How else could I put it?!

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