That Game We Call High School(19)

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That Game We Call High School

Chapter Nineteen

Losing Your Way


Fall down, searching for the perfect place; for you to lose it all again.

Slow down, keep it at a steady pace; as I watch you fade away.

Makeup by Escape The Fate


You could cut the silence with the a butter knife. It was so easy to break, though no one made a move to. And I definitely wasn't going to be the one to break it. I was going to find out what was going on with Liam. But, c'mon, he could at least play some music or something!

The silence became deadly as he made a turn. Don't know why, but it just did.

Within a matter of minutes and Liam mumbling incoherent words beneath his breath, we made a left and he stopped the car; we had obviously pulled up to someone's house. Or, somewhere, at least.. It could be anywhere, really. That's what frightened me the most.

Liam muttered another little something under his breath and opened his car door, shutting it behind him. When the car's locks clicked, I took that as my cue to look up and see what was going on. I mean, I couldn't just lay there until he came back! There would be no point in me even coming, if that were the case!

As I looked up, I tried to keep as low as possible. Ha, déjà vu much? I felt like I was back three weeks ago, Tuesday morning, Calypso and I were playing a prank on Liam to get revenge for how he humiliated me. Had that only been three weeks ago that Liam and I weren't even on exchanging notes term? Humph.

Anyways, I peered just over the steering wheel, seeing a large house. Like, one of those old haunted houses in horror movies that scare the crap out of you. Not the sweet, one story, white-painted, and tan-shingled house. No, this house was massive. Words like huge and large don't even begin to compare. It was massive. Most of the shingles were broken off, the roof caving it, broken and damp wood sticking out of the sides. The color was a sickly dark green mixed with the blue of the sky during a thunderstorm. A few windows had holes cracked in them, others didn't have windows at all. One window on the third level had one of its swinging doors swung out; a ripped, grey, curtain swaying in the breeze on the inside just barely..

What was Liam doing here?

I contemplated getting out and going in and getting him, or staying in here and hiding, until he came back.

But that house looks really creepy, The first part of me from earlier chipped in. What if he never comes back?

Well, what am I supposed to do then?

You know how you made him prove to you that he's worthy to be your friend?


Save him.

I nodded to myself, grabbing at my back pocket, making sure that my phone was still there. Sure enough, it was. I went for the door, keeping down. I slowly unlocked the door and opened it, every little notion of sound seeming like it could be loud enough to crack the earth open. Finally, I was on the concrete, crouched down. I didn't bother with closing the door. It would be too loud. Plus, I needed a way to get in quickly. It wasn't like I was planning on Liam totally not noticing me the whole time.

Then it hit me.

I didn't have a plan at all.

I went frozen, freaking out in place. 'What do I do's circled through my head, but neither side of me could come up with an answer. Except, I heard a faint, Run!, when footsteps began coming near me.

If only I had listened then.

"Lookie what we have here, boys." A sly and grimy voice said. But, I didn't turn around, hoping they were talking about something, anything, else but me. Stupid, hopeful self. And I knew that I was a total idiot for coming at all when a cold, stone-hard hand clamped down on my shoulder. I gulped, tears filling my eyes.

This is it, Khloe, I told myself. You're going to die. Any regrets?

Forgiving Lisa, not making sure my sister ended up regretting what she's be doing to me from day one, never really getting close to my brother, never trying to go out of my comfort zone to make more friends.. Turning down Liam. Something in my brain said. I closed my eyes, mentally nodding. Most definitely, I regret turning down Liam. But now I might get myself killed because of him, so it was kind of hand in hand.

But it wasn't his fault that I followed him out here.

Oh, what's that smell? It doesn't smell like anything. Why is my vision getting blurry? Is that Liam shouting for me? It kind of sounds like his voice. Um.. Where am I? What's going on?..



Cliffhanger! I know, I'm terrible. I really want to get to the part where we figure out what Liam's up to!! Thing is.. Not even I know. I suck, yeah, I know. Do you guys have any idea? COMMENT!

So, we now have an actor for Danny (Aaron Johnson). So you can make a banner to be Team Danny or just a banner for the book all together!(: I'll attach a list of the actresses and who they look the part of in the book at the end of this A/N. BUT WE STILL NEED SOMEONE FOR LIAM! Remember - midnight black hair, pale skin, and it's fine if you can't find an actor with his eye color. Just anything close to blue or green would be fine. If you have someone in mind, COMMENT! And include if they're meant to look the younger or older version of that person, like rebekahgonzales22 so kindly did.(:

If you make a banner, post it to photobucket, and comment it to this story or to my message board!! I will post it within the next available chapter (like if someone made one before you, I'll put you in the one  after them) and dedicate the chapter to you! Even if I've already dedicated one to you.(:

Oh yeah, what female team are you on? What couple are you rooting for? (Banner ideas!!!(:)

Little pat on the back for me moment - I got two more fans over night!! Eep! Up to 70 fans! Thank you guys SO MUCH!! This book is just skyrocketing and my other two books that are popular are still growing! I'd just like to thank you all!! CYBER HUGS FOR YOU ALL!!!

ANYWAYS!! Please comment (predictions maybe?(:)/vote/retweet/like!! Maybe all?(;

Love you all!!!!(:


Emma Stone - Khloe Main

Hillary Duff - Jessica Main

Jesse McCartney - Jake Main

Elizabeth Gillies - Lisa May

Emily Osment - Calypso Dawn

Aaron Johnson - Danny Wilson

??? - Liam Mathers

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