That Game We Call High School(4)

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That Game We Call High School

Chapter Four

Understatements of the Understandings


Have you ever thought you knew someone, like the back of your hand? The fact is that we don't often look at the back of our hands, so how are we supposed to know the people around us any better?


As soon as I was in the safety of my room, I locked the door, slid off my shoes, and crawled under the very inviting covers on my bed, which kept calling my name. But, of course, right as I was beginning to drift off, my phone started violently vibrating. Groaning, I picked up my phone and looked at the Caller ID. What was Julia Johnson doing calling me? "Yes, Ms. Johnson?" I answered the call politely.

"Oh, thank God you answered, Khloe!" Julia sounded out of breath. "I know it's only a Tuesday, but can you babysit tonight?! I'll pay you ten bucks more! But, that's all I can afford. If you need more-" I cut her off before she could talk even me out of it. She's almost done that a few times.

"No, Ms. Johnson. It's not a problem. Just give me fifteen minutes, twenty tops." We agreed, then hung up. I needed all the money I could get, if I wanted a car anytime soon.

Sighing, I threw off my comfortable and inviting blankets, and went to get ready. When I brushed through my hair, I slid my phone in my back pocket, slipped back on my shoes, and headed out. I put my hair up into a lazy bun on the walk there, figuring the Johnson boys and girl wouldn't care. They were some of my regular costumers in the babysitting gig.

After about ten or twelve minutes, I was standing on their doorstep, ringing the doorbell. Their house was of average size. Two stories, five bed rooms, three and a half bathrooms. The outside was colored pearled white, the window frames pale blue. Along with their front door. 

The door swung open, presenting a grinning Julia standing in the doorway in a long velvet dress that landed right before her perfectly white shoes. She had a diamond necklace on, a small lavender hand-bag clutched into her right hand. Her dirty blonde hair flowed down a bit past her shoulders, her bright sapphire eyes sparkling. Her smile presented her amazingly white, perfect teeth.

"Khloe!" She cheered, taking me by my hand, dragging my body into her living room. It was pretty normal, a couple of couches fixated towards a large TV. Stephen and Jake, two of the boys, were pretty engrossed within an episode of American Choppers. How people could stand that show, I had no idea. I just got bored of the constant arguing, so I watched other things.

"I hope you don't mind," Julia began, her eyes weary. "But Kyle has a friend over." On a Tuesday night? Whatever, I wasn't going to question the person paying me ten bucks an hour. Kyle was the eldest son of Julia and Paul, my age. He never listened to me, so I never paid him any attention. Not that Julia or Paul needed to know that. 

"It's okay." I assured, nodding and giving a small smile. A friend of Kyle mean that he wouldn't bug me! I would've done a happy dance right then and there, but then Julia would probably label me insane and I would lose one of my most-paying babysitting jobs. She thanked me, then exited to the outside world. Where, I guess, Paul would be waiting for her.

Looking back to the large entryway that lead from the living room to the kitchen, Stacey stood. Stacey was Julia's only girl, and one of the youngest at eleven years. Stuck between two brothers. She ran to me with a smile, her arms going around my stomach. Chuckling, I picked her up and twirled her around, bear-hugging her. She screamed of delight, telling me to spin faster. But, because I'm a little weakling, I stopped, out of breath. Stacey still had a bright smile, matching the one of her mother's. Her hair was leaning more towards a light brown than a dirty blonde, but her eyes were the same beautiful sapphire blue. Oh, she was going to break some boys' hearts some day.

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