That Game We Call High School(15)

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That Game We Call High School

Chapter Fifteen



Things that happen in this world, in real life, is called reality. Reality is something we don't seem to enjoy very much. It's like a 50/50 chance, every day, every step we take. We could either trip and fall down to the ground - breaking our nose, and possibly our neck - or, we go on without a hitch. Sometimes we fall, but we only get scraped. But, we all can't always be so lucky.


After we pulled up to the parking lot of QuikTrip, I opened up my door and stood up, stretching out my muscles. Liam and I decided to stop at a gas station for some (of course) gas, and a snack. I hadn't been to QuikTrip in years, but I knew that they had the best spicy chicken and cheese toquitoes around. Liam handed me some money, asking me to get him a corn dog. I nodded, grabbing some money of my own. I didn't want to spend up all of his money just because I wanted about five toquitoes. He gave me a weird look.

"What?" I asked, still bending into the back passenger door. I unzipped my duffel, grabbed a couple twenties, zipped it back up, and shut the door.

"You don't have to use your own money. Save that for the concert." He nodded to the money that I had split up with my hands. "You're going to buy me a T-shirt there anyways." I laughed, nodding.

"Deal." I put my money back into my back pocket, tightening my hold on Liam's money. I didn't like carrying other peoples' money and being responsible with it. I tend to lose things really easily..

Walking into the store, I grabbed an Amp and a Monster, then went to the counter and asked for four toquitoes and two corndogs. "Also, I need ten dollars on pump number four." I said, letting the cashier woman add up everything.

"Forty-five dollars and fifty cents." She spoke in a bored voice. Quickly, I handed her Liam's money, receiving $54.50 in return. Had he seriously given me a hundred dollar bill? Woah. Well, maybe that was just all he had. Ah, now I was going to feel guilty for spending half of his money on junk food. Too late now, though. I sighed internally, pasting on a smile, grabbed the plastic bags and began walking to the car. Liam was standing there, pumping the car, and seemed to be quite lost in thought about something.

He must've realized that the car wasn't filling up anymore, so he put the pump back up. He looked up at me when he heard the bags rustling. "Hey," I began. "Sorry, I spent about half of your money." I grimaced guiltily, handing over his money. He chuckled slightly, putting the money into his back pocket and climbing into the car along with me.

"So, I got you a green Amp, and me a red Monster." Amps were okay, but Monsters ruled. Besides Redbull, of course. I just couldn't drink Redbull sometimes, it's too sweet. Energy drinks also never affect me. Okay, so, a couple times. But that was back when I had my first energy drinks.

He nodded, taking his Amp, popping it open and taking a drink. I placed my Monster in the cup holder of my door. I would open when I was finished with my food. "You want your corn dog?" I asked, sneering. Corn dogs and Amp don't go well together.. Trust me, I've tried. He chuckled, shaking his head. Oh, thank gosh. I got one of my toquitoes, took off the top and the bottom, then took a huge bite out of it. Liam looked at me strangely. "What?" I asked, my mouth half full.

"Why'd you take off the top and the bottom?" He nodded to my bag, where I had put the parts in.

I shrugged, swallowing. "It's gross and dried." He shook his head, chuckling, starting the engine and putting the car in drive.

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