That Game We Call High School(13)

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That Game We Call High School

Chapter Thirteen



When you're in high school, or just any time in life, you have regrets. A lot of them. But, if you're a good person, you learn from them and don't repeat them. That's what we learn about in History class, for those of you that sleep through it. We learn about what went on in the past that was bad or good, making the decision to not repeat the bad.

We can't control what everyone does, though. A single person could start a world war, and none of the other billions of beings on this earth would have any other choice but to suffer.


After a while of just sitting on the sidewalk talking, I told Danny that just because I was ditching, doesn't mean that he had to. Why am I ditching, you ask? Well, simply because if I go back, I'll have to endure all of those snide comments, and a few high-fives. Oh, don't forget that speech from the principal and those 'look's from the teachers. What can I say? I'm a procrastinator. 

He nodded, understanding, got up, and walked back to school. After that I just went to the park until a little after four, keeping my cell phone off. I really didn't need anyone bothering me during my thinking time.. And by thinking time, I mean pushing little four year olds on the swings, and getting more babysitting job offers.

But, once the time reach 4 o'clock, I began heading back home. Yeah, I expected Jessica to yell at me or some crap and complained how I probably ruined her 'perfect complexion'. But I sure as heck didn't expect what came.

Walking through the unlocked front door, I trudged upstairs to my room, slammed my door shut, and began to bury myself on my bed; not bothering to take off my shoes or school bag. Right as I got comfortable, my bedroom door slammed open, making me look over. And there, standing in the doorway, were my mother and father.. Not looking quite too please.

Smirking, I asked them, "Here for your monthly visit?" I sat up, looking at them. "Gonna leave tomorrow, saying you wish you could stay? Bringing souvenirs to your two little star children?" My parents seemed taken back at first. Maybe because that haven't heard this guilt trip since last month. 

My mother should her head, her blonde hair still in it's perfect place. "This is unacceptable, young lady. We expect better of you be-"

"Because why?" I interrupted, anger boiling inside of me as I stood up and clenched my fists. "Because I have to live in the shadow every day of my two siblings? Because I have to watch them with envy when they have things that I don't that I know I deserve? Or because life basically sucks for me and they ruin it? Take your pick, mother." I spat at her, as I could feel my eye color growing darker with anger.

My mother kept swallowing, and licking her lips nervously. Her sweet voice began coming through as she tried to stroke my arms, "Honey, you know I lo-" 

"Oh, that's a load of bull crap." I smacked her hands away with such a force, it actually seemed to hurt her. 

"Young lady, you're grounded." My father seemed to finally find his voice. His words made me roll my eyes and walk to my right, and up to him.

"Grounded, huh?" I asked, peering at him. He nodded. "How am I supposed to be grounded when you two are never here?"

"Actually," My father said cheerfully. The sly smile appearing on his face made my stomach drop. "We're going to be here for about a week." 

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