That Game We Call High School(20) - Part One

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That Game We Call High School

Chapter Twenty (Part One)

Life Is A Play-By-Play Moment, Re-Ran


Does it help to play as you're wasting away

Like a silver screen cliché?

Cause after all we're actors on a stage.

Actors - All Time Low


My wrists were engulfed in pain that I could only recognized as rug burn, tied behind me to something hard in an uncomfortable position. My legs were tied to something of similar structure, but they weren't being burned, thank you skinny jeans! I was in a sitting position of a very uncomfortable.. Chair? Yeah, it felt sort of like a wooden chair. But it's not like I would know, considering something of rough material was covering my freaking eyes!

I tried to swallow, but ended up gagging when I finally realized something was stuffed to the max in my mouth. It was made of the same material of what was covering my eyes. My head throbbed a dull pain to my skull, making me wince. Suddenly, I felt claustrophobic, and started struggling against the ropes. It didn't help any, but I was determined to escape; me and my muffled yells.

"Looks like she's awake boys. Should I let her have a peek?" A peek at what?

"LMMPH MYHH GUHH!" I tried to scream, but failed miserably. The same man who previously spoke chuckled from the right of me. His voice was low and sent a chill down my spine; the kind that only goes down your spine when something terrible is about to go down.

Something hit me at the left of my head, making me yell out in sheer pain; probably piercing through the gag-rag itself. But, sadly, it didn't, and I was still tied up, my head thumping in pain. It hurt so fiercely that I barely heard the first guy threaten, "Don't hurt her now! You know Jessica will have one of her men kill you." Who are they talking about? I want to know NOW!

But that's kind of hard when you're tied to a wooden freaking chair.

I attempted a sigh, forgetting my whole mouth's breathing system was blocked, so it just came out a sort of, 'Hmph'.

Then, something popped into my mind: Where the flip is Liam?

Feeling around for my tongue in my mouth, I quickly found the back tip of the gag-rag, pushing it out; wasting no time. Once it was half way out, I spit it until it landed with a dull thud. No one had noticed, apparently, since they didn't say a word. Finally, I screeched out, "Where is Liam?!" There were a could gasps, growls, and people stumbling over things. I smirked. Ha, they thought a girl was too weak. Even they threatened that some Jessica chick would get people to do her dirty work for her. Ha, eijits.

Someone tried to shove the rag back into my mouth, my I kept my lips tightly placed in a straight line. Now that they were paying attention to what was going on in the front of me, I was working with the rope on my hands. My nails were pretty long and sharp (seeing as I never listened to my parents when they told me to chop them off), so I was already at least two centimeters into the rope. Not far, but progress is progress, give or take. And, right about now, I really wanted to take!

No, never mind. Not right about now. Right freaking now!

My nail stabbed into my wrist a bit, making me have to resist the urge to hiss. Not only would that allow them to get the gag into my mouth, but it would also draw attention to what I was really doing..

Then it hit me.

I scraped my wrist! I'm no longer tied to the back of the chair!

But, not to let anyone see what I was doing, I tucked the edges into my hands, and finally allowed them to stuff the gag into my mouth once more. The man sighed a happy sigh, and I heard a few high-fives. What wimps, high-fiving 'cause you stuck a piece of cloth in a teenage girl's mouth? Rapists.

Something else hit me just then..

No, literally, something hit me in the side of my head. I heaved a muffled gasp, resisting the urge to grip the right of my head. Now both sides were stinging like nobody's understanding. It could sure be anyone's business, but no one person could understand the pain rippling through my skull at that very moment.

"Be careful of your actions, boy," I heard one man growl to no one unparticular. That I knew of, anyways. "Something very terrible could happen to her."

"Don't hurt her." Liam's voice came through, strong and smooth. Though, being a girl and all, I could still heard the small tears lodged into the back of his voice. "I will do anything you want." My eyes widened as I shook my head fiercely.

The man laughed a small, evil chuckle. "It seems she'd rather take the blow for you." I breathed in heavily through my nose, knowing that Liam would sacrifice anything for me. But I didn't want or need him to. I just needed him to be okay. Even if I died, I'd still be assured he's living. That would be enough for me.

Not that I love him. Not yet.

Did I? No, I didn't. I knew I didn't. I just couldn't let him die.

Not if I could stop it.


OhMyGosh! Liam? Hurting of the head? GAG-RAGS?


That would be up to you and your comments. I'm also blackmailing you guys. I want at least 103 votes on this book total (not just this chapter) before I upload the next chapter. Not 101, not 102, but one-oh-flipping-three. Can you handle that? PROVE TO MEEEEE!(:

Anyways, I experienced my first loss of a fan. I was all like.. Okay then. Sucks for them. But I also gained another fan in their place so HAHAHA CHICKEN-WAW TO THEM!

So, I quit my book writing club Friday. Yeah, found out one of the chicks are bi and a couple others are Atheists.. I don't do that. I'm not sorry, but I just don't. We never started the book anyways, and we were about to get kicked out of the library thanks to the FREAKING WEIRD CHICK! Yeah.. Issues are me..

ANYWAYS! Sorry the chapter [part] is so small, but I couldn't come up with anything more. And sorry I haven't uploaded in SO long! BRAIN BLOCK! But, I'm not too brain blocked to come up with a facebook FANPAGE! That's right. If you have a facebook, click the external link right this FREAKING SECOND!.(: I post unreleased books, (sequels(;), and random junk!! So LIKE!

See, my A/Ns aren't useless.(:

No one's made a banner yet.. So I have no one to dedicate this chapter to.. BUT I STILL COULD IF YOU MADE AND SENT ME ONE!(:

PLEASE comment/vote(BLACKMAILED)/like[THE FACEBOOK PAGE]/retweet! (If you wanna follow me on twitter, my name is the same on there as on here. AllTimeeLowLovr)

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