That Game We Call High School(10)

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**Remember to read my author's note at the end!!! Something important in it!!**

That Game We Call High School

Chapter Ten

A Knife For My Back


Have you ever heard someone say that their 'best friend' has stabbed them in the back, or even just someone close to them? 

Someone stabbing you in the back is not literal - It's metaphorical, as well as mental. Someone has deceived or betrayed you in a certain way.

If you actually get stabbed in the back, though.. You might want to check into the nearest ER.


Tuesday morning I woke up without a hitch. You know how Calypso was like the genius for getting plans together? Well, I was the evil genius for thinking of them. So, this day counted for me to dress up a little more. 

Jumping out of my bed, I went to my closet to decide on the outfit. Quickly, I decided on my ripped black skinny jeans, which had velvet cloth underneath all of the tears. Then I put on a red thick-strapped tank top and a black off-the-shoulder shirt, with a design of red sparkly flowers on the left side. Lastly, my signature black lucky converse.

Once that was finished, I went to my bathroom and heated up the curler. Tying my hair back, I placed on my makeup. First liquid black eyeliner, black eyeshadow along with red sparkly eyeshadow, and bright red lip stainer. When all of my makeup was applied, I took out the curler and added some volume into my currently flat hair, from the pervious day. 

Taking a step back, I took in my reflection. Honestly, I looked pretty darn good. Smiling to myself, I ran back into my room, grabbed my bag, and ran down the stairs and out the door; before either my brother or sister could drill me. As I walked to school, I stuck my iPod into my back pocket, plugged my ear buds into my ears, and turned the volume on full blast.

Mouthing the words to the lyrics and swaying back and forth to the beat of each song, I began walking up to the school. Someone tackles me, making me fall to the concrete ground with a squeal. Groaning angrily, I take out my iPod and pause my music, looking back up to see Calypso standing over me. "Ready?" She asks as I pluck the ear buds out of my ears and stand up.

Smiling, I nodded.

Lisa was so going to get it.


Calypso and I were leaning against the gym wall, talking. Calypso, Lisa, and I all had this class together. All around free grade, really. Just 'try your hardest', and always be in your gym outfit - or spare clothes - and you get a 100%. Lisa walked over to us peppily, her shorts a little to short, her shirt a little too low. Seriously? When did my best friend turn so.. Desperate? It was pathetic. In fact, she wasn't even my best friend anymore. 

Lisa's been changing lately, which I tried to ignore at first. But now it's gone too far. She needed to stop, or I would walk away - after slapping her, of course. Simple as that. 

Her brunette hair was tied up into a high, straight pony tail. Her streaks were taken out of her hair. And what color was the bracelet? Was that baby pink? Only the kind of baby pink that signifies that someone got to Lisa.. Someone with blonde hair in which I share a last name with.

Silently, I point out Lisa's bracelet to Calypso, who gasps. Finally, Lisa's strutted over to us, looking at the boys to see if any were checking her out. None were, making her pout, then turn back to us with a smile. "Hey guys!" She spoke in a chipper voice, making me want to gag.

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