That Game We Call High School(9)

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That Game We Call High School

Chapter Nine

Yesterday's Old News


Have you ever heard of the saying 'Fifteen minutes of fame', or something close to that? Well, if you don't know what it means - or haven't heard the expression - here:

Having fifteen minutes of fame means you're in the spotlight, the center of attention, for an amount of time. Then, shortly after, the people who appraised you will either totally forget about the whole event, just simply ignore it, or tease you about it.

Nothing good ever comes from having fifteen minutes of fame.


"Khloe!" Someone called my name. Why did that voice sound so distantly familiar? I tried racking my brain, but it was no use. It was Monday after school, so my brain was basically dead. All Friday I basically hung around Liam - well, more like him hanging around me - and I stayed home all weekend. Then, the whole day I booked it to my classes because I always either forgot something or someone stopped me in the hall to 'warn' me about Liam. People need to shut their mouths. After the Kerli concert, Liam and I will barely make eye contact in the hallways. 

"Khloe!" They called my name again, bringing me out of my thoughts. Looking back, I saw Calypso running towards me, her dirty blonde ringlets flowing behind her gracefully. Ugh, ever since I hung around Liam, I've forgotten that feeling of looking at my best friend and feeling jealous. Now everything was thrown back at me.

"Yeah?" I called back, looking forward, and walking. Except at a slower pace, now. When Calypso caught up to me, she gave me a face of worry. "What's up?" I asked, confused, looking down to her for a second.

"I don't know, I'm just looking for my best friend." She said in a sharp tone. 

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up, Calypso. I'm still your best friend." My voice was in a 'duh' tone.

"Are you sure you're not Liam's?" Her words made me pause, looking at her with my mouth agape. What did she just say? She.. I must've heard her wrong! This was Calypso, she would never accuse me before getting the whole story. Yet.. I'm positive I heard her correctly. An emotion flashed across Calypso's face.. Jealousy? I've always known to be jealous of Calypso, but never her jealous of.. Me.

Then it clicked.

"You're just jealous, 'cause you like him." It all made sense now. Her flirting with him shamelessly at my locker. Her playing the prank on him while he was making out with another chick. Another emotion played across Calypso's face. It wasn't guilt, it was confusion. I stopped walking completely. "You don't like him.. Do you?"

She swallowed, hiding her face. "No. I was.. Worried."

"About what?" She shook her head, saying it was stupid of her to even think of such a thing. "Calypso, you know you can trust me with anything."

She looked up again. "I was worried about him taking my best friend away." Oh my gosh, was she serious? .. Yeah, she was. Pouting, I brought her in for a hug, assuring her that he could never replace her. After a few minutes, we released from the hug, and she asked, "Well.. Then why have you been hanging out with him, then ignoring Lisa and I like we're the bloody plague?"

Pursing my lips, I looked off, considering telling Calypso. Quickly, I decided that I could. "Lisa.. When she brought up that whole thing with me being in depression when I kept stuff in.. It hit a nerve. And you would think she'd know that by now. I know when I should tell somebody. It's not like I'm going to commit suicide." A non-comical laugh came through after the last sentence. I looked up to the sky, trying to keep all of the tears in. 

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