That Game We Call High School(11)

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That Game We Call High School

Chapter Eleven

Wishing For More


When people wish at 11:11, on eyelashes, dandelions, etc.. They wish for something that they know they can't get alone. They need a little help to reach that wish, so they go to some simple wish-myth. They're not making any real effort to make the wish possible, they're depending on someone else to make it so. 

And, even if they get it, they'll just wish for more and more.. Never being satisfied. 

Meaning, they don't deserve the wish.


The lights turned back on and I heard someone clapping.. What the flip? Lisa seemed to be wondering the same thing as we looked over to my sister standing at the front of the gym. "That was one fine show." She spoke with a sly smile on her face, her hands retreating from clapping as they were placed onto her hips. 

"What do you want, Jessica?" I spat through my teeth, my nails digging into my palms as my fists clenched tighter and tighter. My stance was inhumanly still, while I shot daggers at the bubble butted blonde.

She smiled a bittersweet smile at me, showing those oh-so perfect teeth. I hated those teeth, I hated those blue eyes, I hated that blonde hair.. Heck, I just freaking hate Jessica! She looked at her perfectly done nails and spoke without a smile, "Just one thing."

"What would that be?"

She looked at me again, obviously taken back that I agreed so quickly. Once she got over her shock, she said, "Get Liam Mathers to be my boyfriend." My jaw dropped, was she serious? Why didn't she just simply ask me, instead of doing this big psycho show? 

Another fact popped into my head, besides my sister being a complete schizophrenic. "When has Liam Mathers ever actually had a girlfriend? And why would you, of all people, be an exception?" Successfully, Jessica took this as an insult. "Plus, why didn't you just ask me? Where is everyone, anyways..?"

She laughed evilly.. I need to seriously look up the nearest insane asylum to enroll her into. "Why would I be an exception?" She pointed towards herself with one of her claws. "Because, I'm Jessica Main." She shrugged as if everyone knew the meaning behind this. "And, I can pull off things like this." She motioned around the basically empty gym, while her words echoed off of the walls. 

Rolling my eyes, I walked towards the girls' locker room, changed back into regular clothes, got my binder, and walked back out. As I was heading towards the door, the bell rang, and Jessica called out, "Make sure he says yes!" Scrunching my nose, I questioned why any guy would actually want my sister in the first place. 


"Ugh!" I groaned as the seventh hour bell rang, while I was still at my locker. Throwing things into my locker, I violently yanked others out, slammed the metal door shut, and began sprinting towards the Chemistry room. I have never been late to a class in my life.. Okay, maybe a couple times. But if anyone was late to Chemistry, they'd get a mark. Three marks and I would get detention. And I already had one mark from 'making such a mess' during the lab about a week ago. Stupid Liam.

Opening the door, I rushed in and to my stool, almost toppling over in the process. "You got lucky." Liam whispered, making me jump again, placing a hand over my heart. Closing my eyes and breathing in and out, I opened them again and looked at Liam as if he was crazy. "Did I scare you?" His voice of a teasing tone.

"Uh, duh." I rolled my eyes, and looked around the room. People were talked or throwing stuff around the room. "Where Ms. Jennings?" Liam shrugged. "Great." I grumbled, crossing my arms on the lab table and resting my head comfortably. I rushed for nothing!

"So, you prepared for Saturday?" Huh? Saturday? What was on Saturday? I raised my head, crinkling my eyebrows together thoughtfully. "The concert." Liam provided, making me shoot up all the way excitedly, earning a chuckle from Liam. "I take it your excited?" I bobbed my head up and down. 

Suddenly, what Jessica had said earlier rang in my mind like getting a flu shot. Closing my eyes for a slight moment, I shoved aside the terrible thought, and brought in the concert. Seeing Kerli. Live. With a previous bully that went nice.. "Liam?" I asked. "After the concert.. Are.. Are you going to go back to your old ways and pretend none of this happened?" We weren't technically friends, but we weren't technically not. "I mean, where do we stand?"

He seemed thoughtful for a second. "I'm guessing that we stand at friends. And no, I will not hurt you in any way after the concert. I promise." Liar.

"You can't promise something like that." I said tightly, swallowing. Lisa promised that she would always be there for me, that we would be best friends forever.. She promised never to hurt me. Same with my parents. Same with most people that hurt me terribly.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Why not?"

"Everyone hurts someone at one point. Knowingly, or unknowingly. People get hurt, by anyone around them, or not around them. You can't promise that you wont, because you will." As soon as I said my last words, Ms. Jennings walked through the classroom door and called us to order.


"So, what happened during gym?" I asked Calypso as we were walking down the concrete sidewalk. 

She shrugged. "I honestly don't remember. All I can recall is you tackling down Lisa, then everything went black." Hm, weird. "Did Jessica really ask you to get Liam to be her boyfriend?" We laughed slightly together as I nodded.

"Really, really." I said, quoting Shrek. Ah, I loved that movie. I knew just about every single word in the first movie, and I really want to see the last movie that's coming out. Even if it looks sad, it's Shrek. It's bound to end up in a happily ever after.

Calypso rolled her eyes are my lame quote, making me smack her in the shoulder. "Never diss Shrek! Or else." I threatened, pointing my index finger at her and narrowing my eyes. After about thirty seconds, though, we both began cracking up.

"You're such a nerd." Calypso spoke, breaking our moment of laughter, while shaking her head. I rolled my eyes and began walking along side her again.


If you're reading this, thank you! You have remembered to read my A/N(:

ANYWAYS, sorry that this chapter sucks. It's just a bit of a fill-in. Did you expect Jessica to be standing there? I didn't before I wrote the chapter, so that makes two of us! 

Like the song??(: ---->>>

SO, I wanna bounce an idea off of y'all. I'm thinking about writing a book that's different from the normal books I write.. Here's the bio:

Alex Haven grew up a normal girl. Family, friends, not exactly poor. Her relatives were kind of famous, but not really. She thought she knew everything about her family.. But she missed out on one minor detail. Her own father is in the government, and the country of Pollens (fictional place) in northern Europe is about to launch an attack on her city. Scared out of her wits, Alex decides to run away before things affect her. Little does she know - running away can affect her more than a war could. When she gets kidnapped while hitch-hiking, she falls into a world of love, hatred, detestation, and war. 

So, what do you guys think?? Please comment about what you think of it!!

Also - don't forget to comment about what you think of the chapter(:

Comment/vote/retweet/like!!! Please(:

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