That Game We Call High School(20) - Part Two

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That Game We Call High School

Chapter Twenty (Part Two)

Tic, Tock, Losing It


It was like a time bomb, set it in motion;
We were only destined to explode!
And if I have to pull you out of the wreckage;
You know I'm never gonna let you go!

Time Bomb by All Time Low


As soon as the guys got distracted with each other, not paying a bit of attention to me, I ripped my wrists apart, going for my blindfold first, and ripping it off. At first I couldn't see anything, but my eyes quickly adjusted to the dimly lit room. The cement walls were cracked, there were little wooden stools scattered around, and about four halls leading out of each wall of the room. Woah, no locked doors? I have a feeling that this house may be more like a maze than a-

Shut up! A part of my mind hissed. Now is not the time for detailed observations! Now is the time to save your freaking butt! I nodded to myself, going for my tied ankles first; I could always take the gag out later. Plus the rag blocking my mouth actually helped me keep quiet, seeing as I'm the type of girl that reacts to everything by a squeak or something similar. Quickly, I untied the knots (ha to you parents, who always said my sharp nails were useless!) and looked up, to see that Liam was sneaking a glace towards me. That's all it took to make them all turn around.

Bloody idiot!

There were multiple grunts and shouts of 'get her's echoing off of the concrete walls, sure to be going down to whomever were at the end of those halls. At an amazing speed, I darted under the men's grasps, grabbing Liam's wrist, and dragging him down a random hall to the left of the chair I was previously tied up to. Footsteps that echoed off of the walls around us follows, making each of our steps sound so weak in comparison that it was almost frightening. Wait, I take that back. It was frightening. Not almost. Oh, no, no. We passed almost when I snuck into the back of Liam's Honda.

Suddenly I regretted choosing skinny jeans to wear on this trip; especially since these were my tightest pair. My legs were becoming sore and weak, not only due to the jeans, also because I never was really what you would call 'athletic'. I'm pretty allergic to sports, considering I pretty much always end up with something or another broken. May it be something of mine or someone else's, it'll be demolished. Yeah, I'm a klutz..

Thankfully my lack of even walking ability didn't kick in until Liam and I were far enough away from the men, turning into a small corner, confusing. I placed a small block of wood that was stationed there in the small parting between the cement where we had gotten in.

I tripped, slumping down in the small square, my jeans piercing my upper thighs in one of those pains only jeans could do. I hissed silently, letting the pain in my lungs and legs finally seep in. I was panting deep breaths, my eyes closed, my head lent against the cool surface. Liam was still standing, breathing hard as well. When each of our breathing slowed down, the only sounds were nothing.

Liam sliding down the wall to sit next to me seemed to be loud enough to crack apart the earth in the eerie silence. I leaned my head against his shoulder. His arms wrapped around me as he rested his head on top of mine. I focused on my heart beats until I drifted to sleep.


"Khloe. You need to wake up." Liam whispered, making me jerk up, millimeters away from knocking over the block of wood to my right. I just about asked him where we were when he clamped his hand on top of my mouth, holding me still, squeezing each of us into the corner of the small square until it hurt. When footsteps and voices passed us, I inhaled sharply, suddenly remembering.

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