That Game We Call High School(21)

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That Game We Call High School

Chapter Twenty-One

What I Love


You might think I'm incapable

Of loving a soul like yours;

You might think I'm a fool

For you.

-She's Got Style by NeverShoutNever


"How could you be so stupid?" I demanded from Liam, even though I knew we weren't totally alone. There was always someone near us, making sure we wouldn't escape. Though, I don't see how we could, considering the situation! The situation being that we were in a large concrete room, with two built-in concrete beds on each wall (one cover and pillow each), and the only way out being a large wall with a small opening-section, huge copper bars designing each; sealing our way out shut and locked.

"I'm the stupid one?!" Liam shouted back, pointing to himself with both of his flat hands. I raised my right eyebrow, pursing my lips, placing my hands on my hips and nodding. "You're the one that freaking snuck into my car and tried to sneak in!"

"Well whatever reason you're here for in the first place is just plain idiotic! What reason could you have to even be here, Liam? How?" My voice became softer. ".. Why?" He looked around guiltily, avoiding all eye-contact with me. "Liam." I said stern and soft, sending him a pleading look with my eyes. When I was younger, Jake said I could do anything with my eyes. No need for an actual puppy's face or daggers. Not that I could do worth a crap with my puppy face, just the emotion with my eyes..

He sighed; sad and frustrated, running his hands through his black hair, sitting on one of the concrete beds. He held the sides of his head in his palms, resting his elbows on his knees. I brought up one side of my mouth, pitching in my cheek, and going to sit beside him. My feet didn't even reach the cool, solid grounding. I chuckled to myself, allowing Liam to have the perfect moment to send me a 'what the flip?' look. I kept on smiling, nodding to my feet that hung about half of a foot from the ground. He started chuckling along with me.

A large bang onto the copper bars made me jump, going to hug Liam's waist for protection. He placed his arms around me, watching the bars with me. "Shut yer laughin'!" The grubby man from earlier called in his thick, southern accent.

After about ten minutes of dead silence, I finally got the strength to ask Liam, ".. Why?" I didn't look at him, my right side of my head lying still against his chest; his heart beat was probably the only thing keeping me sane at the moment.

"It's a long story." He breathed out, his body tensing slightly. I shrugged my shoulders, moving his arms that were around me in the process. He sighed again. "Do you really want to know?" I nodded.

"I just don't see any reason.." I trailed off, allowing him to start.

He took one hand to run a hand through his hair, then wrapped his arm back around me. After a moment of silence, he kept me in his arms while leaning against the wall, getting comfortable. I was now slightly laying down, while he was leaned against the wall. My head still lay on his chest, though. Which was more calming then it should've been.

I expected him to just drift off into thought and totally forget about me, but he surprised me when he stabbed through the silence with his soft voice. "When I was thirteen, three years ago, my father told me I was.. Destined to do something. He left me wondering at that until my fourteen birthday. That's when he bought me my first gun. I thought it was pretty epic, until he told me my.. Destiny."

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