Chapter 7 : Country Of Destine

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" DENO!" A child's voice screamed his name from within the back of his mind, making it seem that someone was with him in his room. Deno knew the voice, slowly clenching his fists while droplets of water dripped from his hair.
He tried to stop thinking about that particular voice but ultimately failed while drying his body off.

" YOU PROMISED ME!" The same voice screamed at him once again, causing Deno's legs to buckle from beneath him. He fell onto his knees, feeling light-headed all of a sudden.
As he rose to his feet, barely gripping hold of the sink until noticing a girl with similar light gray hair like his.
" Deno, Come on Son." Tatsu shouted, trying to get a move on if he's going to meet someone in particular.

Deno just stared at the girl in the mirror, knowing exactly who she was. She had snow-white eyes identical to his, seeing her face almost forced tears out of his eyes.
The onyx black dress that she wore was causing tears to roll down his face even though she was a mere figment of his imagination.
He couldn't even utter a word to her, accepting that he didn't keep the promise after all this time.

After three minutes, Deno was fully clothed and agitated by his recent encounter with someone from his past.
" Well, I do have a surprise for you three. Deno may or may not like it." Tatsu said, seeing how excited Belial and Ikuta got over the word surprise.
The twins started to guess who it was in their minds showing their childish sides for a brief moment.

" Could it be clothing/ weapons?" The two spoke at the same time, not realizing Tatsu had already conjured the portal and was waiting on the two of them to finish their guessing game.
Ikuta shifted her attention over to Deno and Tatsu, seeing them patiently waiting on them before smacking Belial's left arm with her left hand.
" Our apologizes Tatsu...." She said, standing up and made her way over to them. Belial quickly followed, continuing to think what the surprise could be.

As the four stepped into the portal, everything started changing in a single second. Tatsu was the first one to step out of the portal. His feet landed on a stone street, waiting for the other three to exit the portal.
" Everything here is so beautiful!" Ikuta yelled. She pushed Deno and Belial aside, spotting numerous stores including a blacksmith.

Kids were running around the streets, each being of a different race playing together. She covered her mouth, never being able to witness this for the first time.
" Belial, This is what mom talked about." She said, running up to him and gripped his forearms.
Ikuta couldn't help but jump up and down, quickly realizing that she was embarrassing herself as well as everyone else.

" Sis, Take a deep breath. Trust me, I'm curious as to how much armor costs here. I'll assume that it's pricey for now." He said, sharing a soft smile with her before she started to calm down.
" Where is she?" Tatsu said underneath his breath, gently tapping his foot on the stone street.

From what the twins could see is, every person waking around the street weren't living in fear but in happiness. They've never seen a place like this ever before, reminding them that parts of the world are different from one another .
Belial glanced up at the sky, noticing a few clouds but could feel the heat of the sun beating down on him.
" I truly hope there's strong people here. If so; They'll be my training dummies to reach Leo's kind of strength." He said, continuing to gaze at his surroundings in pure awe.

Deno glanced over to his father, seeing him acting weird until sensing a terrifying presence. He didn't even have to turn around to know exactly who it was.
" DAD!!! BUBBA!!!" A feminine voice yelled out from behind the three while Ikuta had a full view of the person. This woman had long curly sea-green hair, it would bounce with each step that she took. She had cyan eyes, shining from the sunlight which made them stand out even more.

" Guild Master Leona is .... your big sister!" Ikuta couldn't help but shout, knowing exactly who this woman was. She was in awe of her clothing, noticing the sleeveless rose gold buttoned-up shirt. The top two buttons are undone for a specific reason. A pair of black dress slacks and dress shoes were the last thing of her attire.
" She called you Bubba."
Belial tried to contain his laugh, releasing some noises until Deno's glare fell upon him.

Leona walked up to her father, embracing him into a tight hug. She buried her face into his chest, showing how much she's missed him.
" Last time I saw you two, Deno was about ten years old." She said, forming a smile on her face.
Deno tried to walk away, not wanting to have physical contact with her. Just before he was out of her reach, She grabbed a hold of his coat's collar. He was jerked towards her until being embraced in a tight hug.
" My baby brother is getting so big, I remember when you could barely say my name. " She said, running her fingers through his hair before kissing the top of his head.

"Where're my manners, My name is Leona Taoku. Guild Master of the Electrified Rose, It's my pleasure meeting the two of you." Leona said, leaning over to bow in respect of Belial and Ikuta.
The two bowed in respect to her after she leaned back up, seeing those innocent cyan eyes almost made Ikuta melt right then and there.
" I'm Belial/Ikuta, The twins of Omen." The two spoke in sync, realizing they did it again before Leona pinched their cheeks gently.

" You two are so adorable. If Deno and I could speak the same thing then we'll be cool just like you guys." She said, shifting her attention to the Castle of Destine. She smirked, knowing strong people from different guilders are gathering here today to display their strength.
Upon display of their strength, They're looking to use this for endorsement from local shops scattered through Destine.
" How about we make our way to the Castle. I'm always being waited on since I like taking my time to enjoy every moment." She said, twisting herself around and started walking in the direction of the castle.

Everyone could hear Ikuta giggling like a child, still reacting to meeting Leona. She shook her head, twiddling her thumbs so she wouldn't embarrass herself even more.
" She called us cool Belial." She leaned over to her brother and whisper to him.
Belial released a soft chuckle, shoving her gently but kept his eyes focused on the castle.
" Leona may seem nice but let me tell you, That woman is a monster when she enters fight mode. She may be five foot eight but height doesn't matter to her. Leona deems anyone worthy of receiving a beat down if necessary." Lucis spoke from the back of Belial's mind, placing curiosity within his thoughts.

Out of everyone, Tatsu was the only not excited about what's to come. He was focused on finding the She-Devil and whoever came along with her.
" I guess you finally found interest in him." He said to himself before gazing over to Deno.
The young man remained focus after being embarrassed by his older sister but kept thinking about the girl he saw in his mirror. She was someone he could never forget because at one point, She was the only thing he had to keep him going day in and day out.

When the group drew closer to the main entrance to the Castle, each of them noticed about forty guards scattered at different posts around the front gate. Each one eyeballing the group, in case they were a danger to the country.
" Welcome Master Tatsu and Master Leona, It's our pleasure to have you joining us today. Ah these must be the new recruits sent by the three. I hope to see them in action later on." The captain of the guards said, greeting each of them with a bow before opening the doors.

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