Chapter 31: Fragmented Dream

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" Jesus Christ, You expect me to remain calm knowing Michael was murdered." Luna said, her voice was filled with malice, but also sadness. She paced back and forth, running her fingers through her hair. Pulling out single strands every time she removed her fingers from her hair.

" I don't expect you to. I'm still lost at words.." Leo said, placing his right hand over his mouth. Feeling the cold metal made his body shiver.
He removed his hand slowly, seeing the blood of Michael stained against his fingers.

Artemis entered the cell confiding Deno, standing alone with an unconscious boy made her feel disgusted.
" Luna, I'll need you for this part. We need the confirmation that Deno actually killed Michael." She said, putting her hair up into a ponytail. Taking her time with placing Deno on his back.

Thirty seconds pass by, Luna entered the cell with a mean glare resting on her face. She kneeled down next to Deno, glancing over to Artemis. The two nodded at the same time, preparing themselves to discover a truth or a lie.
" If he wakes up, Prepare yourself for a swift strike." Luna said, watching Artemis gently placed both hands against the sides of his head.

The boys body temperature began rising, meaning that their tactic is working.
" Now to concentrate on the dried blood within his pores. Heating them up alittle will infuse a chemical reaction within this magic technique. Allowing the blood to regain its liquid form for only a few seconds." Artemis said, knowing Luna zoned out when she went into detail. She grown used to it, but never the less would continue explaining what she's doing.

Deno groaned, attempting to roll over before Luna forced him back to the regular position. She closed her eyes, removing the negative thoughts flowing throughout her mind.
" Luna do it." Artemis said, keeping her voice at a mellowed tone. Neither of them wanted him to wake up while they're doing this.

Luna opened her eyes, having the natural Snow White color be overtaken by a light shade of crimson. The roots of her hair started turning black, making it obvious that she's tapping into her Demonic power.
" If he knew how to properly control Blood, He'd be more of a handful." She said, waving her right hand over his mask.

This needed total concentration, Luna moved her right hand in a swaying motion. Blood began seeping out of the right eye hole of the mask.
" Get the book ready." Luna said, waving the blood back and forth. She stared into this endless sea of red, catching a glimpse of two people fighting before it faded.

A book appeared beneath the floating line of blood. Luna closed her right hand, allowing the blood to fall on a blank page.
" Michael was slain by Deno, killed by an aggressive bite to the neck." The book said before it closed by force, Luna held it shut as she looked down at him.

Artemis covered her mouth, slowly standing up before taking a few steps back. Fear took over, flooding her body with a disgusted feeling.
" Chain him to the walls and make sure he's watch every minute of every day. Tatsu will need to come retrieve his murderer of a son." Luna said, looking down on Deno until turning her back to him and exited the cell.

Leo kept his head lowered and remained silent. He didn't want this to be true, but the book of secrets has never lied when giving information. The gears in his arms slowed down, releasing a small amount of steam.
" I'll watch over him, The two of you should go rest and we'll continue this in the morning." He said, taking a quickly glance at Deno. Seeing the little boy Tatsu always had around him, it didn't make sense, and Leo will discover the loopholes within this.

A few hours passed, Deno remained on the stone floor. Tossing and turning in his sleep, but every other minute he'd twitch in a violent manor.
" Take the boy and erase this memory from her  brain." A familiar voice caught his attention, waking him out of a deep sleep, before he quickly rose to his feet. He noticed more bandages covered his body, informing him that Artemis took the time to tend to his wounds.

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