Chapter 2: The Assassin

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" Next up is Ikuta, Daughter of Omen and Twin to Belial."
Leo said, sitting back in his chair while releasing smoke from his nostrils. The smell of tobacco filling the air around him, causing Luna to wave her left hand back and forth to remove the smoke from her face.

" I must give Artemis my appreciation, she was able to design an entire town just for Ikuta's display. She embodies the Assassin lifestyle, Live amongst the shadows and sever any ties that could harm her goal."
Leo said, tapping his cigar with his right middle finger resulting in the ashes to fall onto a hardwood floor. He gazed into the orb, seeing something leaping from roof to roof before smiling with the cigar resting in his mouth.

On the east side of town, Two men were discussing something right near a pitch black alley. Each of them wore light armor, covering their arms up to the elbow , and on their legs stopping at the knee.
" So, We have to kill one woman but there's twenty of us. Don't you think that's a bit over the edge?" The first male asked, lifting his head to gaze at the street lights. He slowly turned his head to the other male, seeing him think about what to say.
" Even though she's sixteen, There's been rumors that she barely tries to kill and succeeds anyway. If we do kill her, Assassins like us will have more offers to make our living. I see this... as a chance to grasp our own future with a simple task." The second male said, taking a second to stretch. He felt some things pop which resulted in a pleased facial expression.

An aluminum can bounced out into the light from the dark alley and immediately alerted the two men. The two of them pulled out rusty daggers, showing that they haven't had the coin to upgrade their equipment.
" You must've learned well from a beginner killer. The only downfall of this scenario is that you assumed I'm in the alley." A feminine voice spoke from what seemed like every direction, resulting in the two to twist and turn for about six seconds.

A steel dagger emerged out of thin air, slicing through the air before crashing into the first male. The dagger was aimed for the side of his head, showing the second male how precise she was with smaller weapons.
" H-How?" He said, watching his friend's lifeless body collapse onto the cobblestone street.
The male turned around, not feeling anything until realizing another steel dagger was thrown and now lodged in his throat. He tried screaming so that her position was revealed but he couldn't due to the dagger damaging his vocal folds.
" Here's a tip if you get a second chance, Distractions are very useful for my kind. I don't consider either of you Assassins because you stayed in the open which gave me enough time to plan out my attack." She said, landing on the cobblestone as her dark white eyes shined from the light.

The man fell forward, laying eyes upon her unique attire. She wore a unique version of a kimono, The color pattern was red and black with leather straps stitched into the middle where her stomach would be. A dragon tattoo was located on her right shoulder that had no meaning behind it at all. Underneath the kimono was slick plant pants with a golden dragon design on the left side.
" Two down with Eighteen to go, Why did I run my mouth, I should've asked for more." She said, having a smirk form on her face.

After finishing her sentence, She scaled a two story building. She used the bricks sticking out to boost her up faster until reaching the roof. When she reached the roof, The first thing that caught her attention was a light source amongst this dark town. Each second on that roof resulted in the light growing brighter and brighter.
" A frontal assault is what they want... They'll get what I give them." She said, taking a step forward with her right foot as she realized these were tile roofs. That alone made her smile evilly, giving her another idea of what to do.

Three minutes passed until the woman stood on top of a roof that towered over the seventeen men on the ground. She bent down, noticing no archers nor mages.
" Seems our trap drew you in Ikuta." A male's voice said from behind her. She didn't expect any of them to be strategic like her but that's her fault for assuming.
" Well done." Ikuta said, slowly turning around to witness a fist ten inches from crashing against her face.

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