Chapter 15: Plans For Corruption

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" No make it stop!"
A child's voice screamed out, creating a violent shockwave with the shift of their tone. It was like whatever has been happening to them is starting to show progress.
" Lord Sin, Subject eight hundred and forty-two has begun showing signs of mutation." A feminine voice spoke up, seeming to be speaking to someone. Whoever this female was, it was kind of obvious they've been observing this child for quite some time.

The child screamed out once again, causing more shockwaves to shake whatever was containing him. A single light caught their attention, revealing to whoever was watching that this child is a boy.
" He's going to break the reality, if we keep allowing him to use his emotions to bring out this result then he'll die." The voice spoke again, making it known that she's speaking to someone.

The door leading into this reality started opening, but caught the child's attention.
" P-Please, I don't want to be injected with anything else." The little boy spoke to whoever was standing in the doorway. A set of emerald eyes stared down the boy until the unknown figure stepped into reality.

" My boy, There's nothing to be afraid of." A masculine voice spoke towards the child, having a soft and smooth tone of voice.
The man got closer to the boy, keeping his eyes focused on him.
" T-The lady in there has been using me as a test subject for months. She's threatened to feed me to her pet..." When the boy said those final words, the man couldn't help but laugh. He enjoyed it when his lab rats would get scared for what's to come.

" I couldn't help but hear that you mentioned your " Mommy". How about I take you to her, So you don't have to endure this anymore. " He said, curious about what the boy would say.
The boy noticed the black and white suit that this man wore, seeing how everything matched until gazing up into his emerald eyes.
" If you can, Y-Yes please." Upon hearing the boy's words, it seemed like the generosity from the man was completely gone.

" I wanted you to reject me instead of wanting help. You are weak, We don't need that here." The man whispered everything into the little boy's right ear before flicking it.
Everything went silent, seeming like nothing was going to occur until the boy exploded into a million pieces.
" Lord Sin, You didn't have to get your hands dirty." The woman spoke to him through an intercom, catching a deadly glare from him through the glass.

Sin pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, ignoring the blood and guts running down the front of his suit.
" I need to speak with Izumo and Caroline now. You have one minute to summon them, If they aren't here then you'll end up like this failed subject." He sounded annoyed upon losing another subject due to their emotions keeping them tied to their life.

Ten minutes passed, showing that Sin wanted his loyal servants amongst him before meeting with them. He enjoyed wasting their time like they've done to him in the past.
" Walking among them makes me feel normal." This voice was Sin's, but at the same time it wasn't. He pulled out a lighter, igniting a flame to light his cigarette.

" Welcome My Lord." A disfigured subject of his spoke to him, lowering their head to bow. Sin couldn't help to smirk, hearing the sounds of feet shuffle behind him while knowing who was behind him.
" My precious siblings, I'll speak with you all later on. " He said, releasing a mouthful of smoke from his lips as he created two large circles out of the smoke.

 " He said, releasing a mouthful of smoke from his lips as he created two large circles out of the smoke

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As Sin entered the room, everyone kneeled in his presence and that alone made him smile. He walked past all five of them, making his way towards the balcony. The sight of explosions were catching his attention, it's not every day you can enjoy something that you forced to happen.
" Let's get right to it. Caroline, You failed at capturing Deno. I understand the reason for you to fail. Tatsu is one dangerous man among you mortals, but compared to me." He stopped talking for a moment, taking another hit from his cigarette before releasing more smoke.

" He is an Ant that dislikes being stepped on. He is a match for the Seven Sins, but not to the horsemen nor myself. You'll get another shot at this, If Izumo fails at capturing him. Upon failing me for a second time, I'll have your head on a wall." When he finished his sentence, Caroline slightly raised her head in spite of him. She wanted to attack him, but knew that was preventing her from doing so.
" What if Deno goes Berserk. He's a threat to the entire Lucifer Family... My Lord, He doesn't know that he's a Forbidden Demon." Caroline said, feeling her body start to shake from fear when Sin turned around to look at her.

" If he goes Berserk, I'm sure Izumo and our helpful friend in their faction can handle my precious weapon. If they can't then the ball is in your field." That was what Sin had to say to her, making it obvious that she could now leave him and Izumo alone.
Caroline didn't make eye contact with him. Instead, She stood up and proceeded to exit the room they were in.
" Gather my children, Leave Beelzebub alone. He's working on an assignment for Sin." She spoke to the guard outside of Sin's room, noticing so sign of emotions when glancing into their onyx eyes.

" Now Izumo, You purposely allowed your other half to get killed and be taken by them. I see this as a failure, but at the same time a win." When speaking to Izumo, Sin got closer to him for a specific reason. He had some pent up anger that could be released after Izumo speaks.

" My Lord... No... My Overseer, My accomplice and I have planned to separate their group. If all goes well, We'll be able to capture Deno and one of Omen's children." Izumo said, keeping his head lowered and not thinking of raising it to look at Sin.
There was a second of disbelief within Sin. He knew what Deno is capable of, since he was the one to personally turn him into what he is.
" I like this plan. With the older brother dead, I can manipulate and break one of the twins into being my puppet. Just one thing Izumo." Sin ended his sentence, grabbing ahold of Izumo by his neck and proceeded to lift him off the ground.

There was zero struggling from Izumo, not having anything an air-breathing mammal would have made it easier for him not to feel pain to an extent
" Don't fail me, If you do then you'll be dead. I'm not killing you, but in my stead it'll be Deno." He said to him, staring deep into the abyss of his skull. The two of them knew exactly what Deno was capable of and with that knowledge is why their taking caution.

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