Chapter 21 : Analysis

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" Another day in paradise." Belial splashed water in his face, staring at the drain. Sounds of innocent people crying out for help began to fill his ears. He shook his head, preventing himself from getting too deep into thought.
" Alright Children, Time for an easy day." A piece of metal was now embedded into the Orb resting on the dresser. It seems Belial got spooked by Artemis using that to speak to him along with his sister and Deno.

" I hate it when she does that. That'll be the sixth Orb I've destroyed." A pile of broken Orbs was placed in the corner next to the front door.
He wiped his face off with a maroon-colored towel. Tossing it in the laundry basket before making his way towards the front door.
" Come on Belial, Let's get this day over with and relax. Hopefully, Luna will be cooking tonight. Just mentioning food has gotten me hungry." Ikuta leaned up against his cabin, taking an aggressive bite out of a apple.

As her brother exited his cabin, an apple was tossed to him. He caught it, taking an aggressive bite out of it just like his sister did.
" Morning you two, It's a lovely start to this day. The temperature feels amazing, along with the wind giving the refreshing breeze." They looked in the direction that the voice came from. Their eyes fell upon Michael, who was still waking up.

" Mornin Michael, The weather does feel amazing. If only we'd get this year-round, there won't be shortages of food during the winter." Ikuta wiped her mouth with her forearm, tossing the semi-finished apple underneath Michael's cabin.
" Even the creatures of the night should eat." Two yellow eyes stared at her, more eyes began to follow.

A family of Raccin's made their way from beneath the Cabin. Raccin's are the result of Racoons and Chinchilla's mating. The mother Raccin had a brown and crimson tiger-striped pattern on her fur. The young Raccins only had brown fur, showing that they're still a few weeks old. The Raccin's we're heading back to the forest, where they lye and wait for night time to come.
" They're more afraid of us than we are of them. She scavenges for food and feeds her family, Belial used to do this when we were younger."

Michael shifted his attention to the training field, catching a glimpse of a small ball of lightning appearing and reappearing in random places.
" Seems Deno is already active this early. I don't know how he does it. Sleep is the one thing I can never get enough of."
The Angel bowed his head to the twins, turning his body, and began walking towards the mess hall to grab something to eat.

Lightning bounced off the ground, leaving scorch marks wherever it touched. It seemed like it was destroying small objects in the air.
" Come on ... COME ON GET FASTER DENO." The young man's voice shouted in his head, pushing him to his limits with lightning manipulation.
Deno's entire body materialized out of thin air, electricity bouncing off his body. The amount he was conducting could've killed about a hundred people by now.
" Alright Deno, One more time then I'll send you off to Artemis."

Leo stood a good distance away from him, knowing good well the electricity would make his arms go haywire.
" Calm the mind, Think only of striking and following up. I know this is different than sparing against Tatsu, but it's to prepare you for future conflicts that could or could not occur." 
Deno landed on the ground, getting into the stance he's been doing about ten times already. He took a deep breath, feeling himself clashing against the limit for his lightning manipulation.

Wind began picking up around him, having his hair swaying in every direction. He slammed his fists together, triggering a single lightning bolt to emerge from the clear sky.
" He's training harder than us. Deno wants to become stronger, He knows there's a major difference between the two of us and him. He's strong magically while we're stronger physically and closing in on becoming strong magically."
Belial crossed his arms, wanting to observe this himself. The only thing he cares for his strength, without it then there's no one protecting the weak.

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