Chapter 22 : A Team Trial

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" So that's why Caroline is so eager to get ahold of Deno. He's something that Sin couldn't control. She wants to take his power and make it her own, but what does she want with the Twins..." Michael skimmed through the pages, copying everything down. The one thing that wasn't copied was their weaknesses.

" Michael, What do you think you're doing?" Artemis asked him, standing in the doorway with her right foot tapping against the hardwood floor.
The wood began to crack, spreading to where Michael was standing. She wasn't in a good mood, seeing one of the most trusted members of the Faction snooping around in her cabin.

Before Michael could answer, Two figures were standing behind her. Both of them towered over her, each figure had a pair of crimson eyes that locked onto Artemis.

~ Forget what you've seen, Only know that you dwelled deep in thought~

A soft masculine voice spoke to her, forcing the words to replay over and over until the memories of this altercation were erased.
" You are sloppy Michael, The She-Devil will hear of this. Filthy Angels should know, Immortals are the hardest to manipulate. Time is ticking, You better pray that Izumo and yourself don't fail at retrieving them."

The figure on the right removed his hood. Revealing short magenta-colored hair, catching Michael off guard. This young man had stitches on his throat, right cheek, and chin.
" Abaddon, I won't slip up again. I'll place my life on the line for this. Plus, I still owe you a fight for killing my apprentices years ago."

Both Demon Lords vanished without a trace. Without Abaddon's help, Michael would've fought Artemis and ruined the entire plan.
He closed the book, placing it where it was originally. Walking over to her, putting his arms on her shoulders.
" Artemis... Artemis... Are you ok?" A devilish smirk formed on his face, knowing she'll fall for this little trick.

Three weeks have passed since that day. Luna has kept her distance from Deno, each time they pass one another there's tension in the air. She's afraid of him becoming the tyrant her father was. Deno doesn't care what he is, it doesn't change anything about his life that he knows of.

All three of the youngster's magical power and control have increased, making them more useful when using magic.
Belial is studying more, pushing his body to its limits which is normal for him. He's been in Artemis's care every other day due to his body locking up or being bruised from his idiotic decisions.
Deno has been trying to stabilize his lightning magic into the copper coin. Wanting the electrical current to stay intact long enough for him to teleport to it.
Last but not least, Ikuta is expanding her magic range. She's been reading Wind, Nature, Combustion, and Magnetic Grimoires. Each one taking a toll on her body, proving that she needs to take it slow and walk the easy path for each beginner spell.

Artemis began studying every Demon race, figuring out their powers and weaknesses in different circumstances. Fate brought Deno to her, making him the sole reason for her study on Demonology.
" Dream Demons are better known as Nightmares to Humans. They're similar to Shadow Demons with twisting reality and placing the victim under an illusion. " She squealed with excitement, knocking books and glass bottles off her desk.

" The sole difference is ... A Dream Demon affects the mind and body. Placing the victim in a paralyzed state. If their mind and resolve are weak then they'll be killed in a Dream, making it look like they died in their sleep." That final sentence almost made Artemis scream out to the heavens. All of the sadistic ways to die by a Demon are truly fascinating to her.

Meanwhile, The three youngsters were six miles away from the Faction. It seemed that Leo wanted to start his first day of training them correctly.
" W-Wait.. Where are we?" Belial was the first to wake up. Realizing that he's looking at the ground from about ten feet off the ground. He looked over to see Deno and Ikuta sleeping soundly.
" How are they still asleep!" Lucis chimed in, walking around the infinite field of memories that is Belial's mind.

" I feel like a Piñata.... OI YOU DEEP SLEEPERS, WAKE UP SO I'M NOT ALONE." Ikuta woke up instantly, immediately squirming around. Realizing that the rope holding them contained ten different knots. She looked over to her brother, seeing his face get red from being upside down.
" You look like a strawberry." She couldn't help it, making a joke in a predicament like this was perfect.

Deno slowly opened his eyes, taking a second to analyze the situation. Ruby fire engulfed his entire body, burning the rope to ashes in mere seconds. When he began to fall, A small burst of fire emerged from his right hand twisting him around in time.
As he landed, Bushes were ruffled and the sound of feet running began to fade.
" Good thinking Deno, Now get us down." Belial took the role of leader without asking either of them. Deno blankly ignored what he just asked him to do. Ikuta on the other hand was swinging back and forth, giving her the feeling that she's a human tire swing.

More words escaped Belial's lips as Deno decided to track whatever or whoever was observing them. The smell of meat being cooked caught his attention. Pointing out that he's found his observers.
" Why did Master Leona have us do this? Like I understand helping them train, but tying them up while they're asleep felt wrong to me." A female shook her head, walking over to the fire pit, and began turning the meat being cooked.

A male was examining their weapons. The rapier was slammed into the ground, showing Deno that the man had no care for it.
" He's probably watching us by now. I'm disgusted Leona's proud to have a Demon for a little brother. We all know how evil dwells in their souls no matter what life they choose." Hearing that man disrespect his older sister made him agitated, never really feeling this way for anyone besides Tatsu.

There was no time for them to realize he's in their area. Deno stepped out from behind a tree, tightening the bandages around his hands. It signaled a fight was about to begin. The only one who was his main desire to hurt is the pathetic human male for disrespecting Leona.
" Seems he was eavesdropping this entire time. Let's see if your really a powerhouse as Leona describes you to be." The same male as before grabbed ahold of the rapier, removing it from the ground. Pointing it at Deno with malicious intent.

The woman that was tending to the food being cooked began to rush Deno. Unsheathing a short sword from her right hip, tightening her grip around the handle. The positioning of her attack gave it away that she didn't want to harm him.

Deno shook his head, not giving her the time to strike. He rushed at her, running his left hand alongside the flat side of the blade. Stopping his hand at the hilt, quickly disarming her and bashing the hilt against her chest.
" He's fast.." Those were the only words to escape her lips.
He gently flicked her forehead with his right hand, sending a shockwave throughout her body.

Foam began to seep from her lips, informing Deno that her body has started going into shock. He placed his right index finger on her forehead, placing a seal there.
" W-What did you do to her?!" The male didn't get a good look at what he did, assuming Deno killed her because of him disrespecting Leona.

" So remind me, Why do you guys have our equipment. I get that we're untouchable and the best trio to walk the earth, but seriously why take it from us?" Ikuta placed her left hand on the man's right shoulder, running the tips of her fingers down his back.

" Don't speak boy. Bad mouthing your guild leader is something filth would do. I want to kill you, but it's not my decision here. " She moved her arm up towards the back of his neck, barely tapping it.
The man's eyes rolled into the back of his head, salvia escaping his lips as he collapsed onto the ground.
" They didn't do their homework on any of us. I'm able to teleport to any dagger of mine. Once theirs a shadow beneath it, I'll be capable of appearing exactly where it was lifted. " At this point, Ikuta was talking to herself. Knowing Deno wouldn't mutter a word nether less a sentence.

Belial emerged from behind some bushes, removing thorns from his skin and clothing. He looked at the two of them, seeing a pair of unconscious people laying on the ground.
" So what's the mission, Find a way to escape this massive forest. Kill anyone we encounter along the way?" He didn't get a response from his sister. Knowing damn well Deno isn't going to say anything.

" This is something Leo and Leona thought of. I'm guessing a trial of our witts, either it's that or a team bonding exercise. I'll go with the second one, before you hurt yourself thinking bubba." She watched Deno reveal Leona's Guild Crest to Belial. Telling him that no one will be killed due to this being a training exercise.

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